Mrs. GREEN APPLE ranked #1 in the digital rankings of “Oricon First Half Ranking 2024”

■ “I hope to continue making music and delivering it sincerely.” (Mrs. GREEN APPLE Omori Motoki)

The Oricon First Half of 2024 Rankings were announced, with Mrs. GREEN APPLE taking the top spot in the digital ranking in the artist sales category.

In terms of streaming, which played a major role in the band’s ranking first in the digital market in the first half of the year, “Que Sera Sera,” the theme song for the drama “At Least Sunday Nights…,” which began streaming in April 2023, and “Dancehall,” which began streaming in May 2022, performed well.

In addition, in the first half of the ranking, 10 works by Mrs. GREEN APPLE entered the TOP 50, including “Soranji” at 13th place and “Magic” at 17th place, making them the number one in the “number of works in the TOP 50” in the ranking. These streaming plays have greatly contributed to the increase in digital sales, and they have taken the top spot in the “Digital Ranking” in the “Artist Sales Category”.

■Mrs. GREEN APPLE Comment
All: Hello! This is Mrs. GREEN APPLE!

Motoki Omori: This time, in the “Oricon First Half Ranking 2024”, Mrs. GREEN APPLE won first place in the “Digital Ranking” in the “Artist Sales Category”! Thank you very much!

Fujisawa Suzuka & Wakai Koto: Thank you!

Omori: I’m glad that so many people have listened to my music. Thank you very much.

Q. You won first place in the “Digital Ranking” in the “Artist Sales Category” of the “Oricon First Half Ranking 2024”. This is your first time to win first place in all categories of the first half rankings. How do you feel about winning this award?
Wakai: It’s an honor and I’m very happy.

Omori: It seems like a lot of people are listening to our songs… Thank you so much.

Q. More than 90% of your total sales came from streaming, and the number of plays for “Que Sera Sera” and “Dancehall” led to your ranking at number one. Please tell us the thoughts behind “Que Sera Sera.”
Omori: “Que Sera Sera” comes from the Spanish phrase “Whatever will be, will be.” Although it is a song that sings “Whatever will be, will be,” this song has helped us in many situations. I feel very happy that this song has reached so many people. I don’t know what it will be in ten years? Decades from now? I think this song will teach us many things again.

Q. “Dancehall,” released in May 2022, has become a long-loved song, surpassing 400 million cumulative plays for the first time in the Oricon Weekly Streaming Rankings dated February 19, 2024. Please tell us if you have any feelings about this work.
Omori: It seems that “Dancehall” has surpassed 400 million cumulative plays in the “Oricon Weekly Streaming Ranking” dated February 19, 2024. It has become a song that has been loved for a long time… What are your feelings towards “Dancehall”?

Wakai: This song was released soon after the start of Phase 2 (after resuming activities in 2022).

Fujisawa: We also dance in the music video. It’s a song that has created many memories in many scenes.

Q. How do you feel looking back on your music activities in the first half of 2024?
Omori: How do you feel looking back on your music activities in the first half of 2024?

Wakai: We did a lot of live shows in the first half of this year.

Omori: That’s true. It started with the fan club tour “Mrs. GREEN APPLE 2023-2024 FC TOUR “The White Lounge”. There will also be other live shows. There will be stadium shows in the second half of the year… and regular shows. Rather than looking back on the first half of the year, I feel like I can already look back on 2024.

Wakai: There will be a lot of live shows in 2024.

Q. Please tell us if you have any goals that you would like to achieve through your activities with Mrs. GREEN APPLE.
Omori: What are the goals you want to achieve in the future with Mrs. GREEN APPLE’s activities? On the contrary, I’ve never heard you say anything like this! I don’t think you two have many opportunities to talk about this in a forum like this, so please say it!

Wakai: I would like to perform live in various places.

Omori: There are still many places in Japan that I haven’t been to yet. (Fujisawa) Ryo-chan, how about you?

Fujisawa: I really want to go to many different places. We are grateful to have been ranked number one in the “Digital Sales Ranking by Artist” this time, but we still want to deliver our music to many people who have yet to encounter Mrs. GREEN APPLE.

Omori: There are still venues we haven’t been to yet, and I’d like to do a larger-scale live show. I’d like to create a lot of things that many people can see.

Q. Finally, please give a message to those who have purchased your work and those who support Mrs. GREEN APPLE.
Omori: I was able to receive this award because so many people listened to my music. I hope to continue making music and delivering it sincerely, so I hope many people will listen to my music.

All: That’s all from Mrs. GREEN APPLE!

According to Oricon (


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