Huge response to Non’s yukata look! “Her face is so small” “She’s so transparent you can almost see through to the other side”

■ “From now on, I want to loosen up, relax, and increase my freedom.” (Non)

On July 13th, Non updated her official Ameba blog, announcing that she had turned 31.

On this day, Non updated her blog with the title “Thank you for your birthday.” With a few emojis, she reported, “July 13th was my birthday again this year,” and wrote, “Thank you for all the congratulatory messages. I’m so happy.”

She continued, “I’ve lived my life intending to push myself to the limit, but from now on I want to loosen up, relax, and have more freedom,” and called out to everyone to “have the best summer together,” posting several full-body shots of herself wearing a cool-looking yukata with a white base and pink and navy blue floral pattern, with a light blue obi.

She concluded her blog by announcing, “The archive of yesterday’s Instagram Live has been released on Non’s official YouTube channel, so if you weren’t able to watch it live, be sure to check it out.”

Fans responded to this post with

“I’m looking forward to more freedom.”
“I’ve been a fan forever”
“Yukata is awesome”
“Please date me.”
“I look forward to aging gracefully and becoming a beautiful woman.”
“Refreshing and beautiful”
“Non-sama’s yukata look is exceptional”
“She’s cute, has a nice figure, and a small face.”
“It’s so transparent you can almost see through to the other side.”
“So beautiful, so awesome”

Comments such as the following have been received.

Non Official Blog Powered by Ameba: Article title “Thank you for your birthday”


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