The CM song is Little Glee Monster’s new song “DIVA”! New TV CM for creative art competition “Docomo Future Museum” begins airing

■ “I’m still in the middle of chasing my dreams, so I want to move forward together with all of you who are chasing your dreams!” (Yuumi)

The new TV commercial for “Docomo Future Museum,” a painting competition run by NTT Docomo with the theme of future life, titled “Butterfly Dress,” will begin airing on July 23rd.

This commercial conveys the joy of digital art by depicting the daily life of a young girl who spends her summer vacation drawing her favorite butterflies every day.

The girl draws pictures on her iPad while intently observing butterflies in the fields and at the insectarium, and after returning home she continues to draw pictures of the cabbage white butterflies she has caught, and even at night she continues to draw the vivid wings of butterflies.

As the girl operates the iPad, the numerous butterflies she has drawn previously overlap and decorate her like a dress, demonstrating the freedom of expression that is unique to digital art.

The song that colors the girl’s exciting summer adventure is “DIVA” by Little Glee Monster, a new song written specifically for this commercial. The lyrics support the bright “future” that supports the adventure and free thinking of the girl depicted in the commercial, and the powerful singing voice are noteworthy.

Little Glee Monster has the power to make listeners feel positive and is popular with a wide range of generations, which is why they were chosen as the commercial song.

In addition, “Digital Art Classes” will be held at Docomo shops nationwide. For details, see the special page.

■Little Glee Monster Interview
Q: What is your favorite phrase from the lyrics or melody of “DIVA”?
Asahi:“Whatever future awaits you, open your eyes. It’s up to you.” I like the idea that any future is up to you!

Q: Please tell us the thoughts behind “DIVA”.
miyou:With open music and pop English lyrics, this song will give you a sense of exhilaration as you skip along. Sometimes we think too much about ourselves and the future, but isn’t it good to spend each day just taking a look without thinking too much? There’s definitely a place where you can be yourself, and you’re more wonderful, sparkling, and dazzling than you think! I put that feeling into it!

Q: What kind of future did you imagine when you were a child?
Karen:Ever since I was little I wanted to work in the entertainment industry, so I feel like I am now living in the world I imagined as a child!

Q: What future do you envision now?
Mika:I want the six of us to continue to release hit songs, become an even more beloved group in Japan and around the world, perform overseas, and continue to sing happily together as a group of six, even when we’re grandmothers!

Q: Please give a message to children who are chasing their dreams and to the parents who watch over them.
MAYU:We only have one life, so each and every one of us is the protagonist. This is your story. We are still in the middle of our dreams. Let’s go as far as we can, as far as we can go together!!
The support of everyone around me really gives me strength. I hope you will continue to watch over me warmly and as my absolute ally.

Yukai:I think everyone has had times when they have dreams but are worried about whether they will come true and wonder if they should give up. However, it seems a bit wasteful to imagine things that haven’t happened yet and give up on the efforts to make a dream that may come true.
I once heard the saying, “Hard work isn’t always rewarded, but those who are rewarded are always working hard.” When I lost sight of my true will, I remembered this and worked hard. That hasn’t changed to this day.
And I think the presence of my mother and father, who were closest to me and supported me, was a big factor in my running towards my dreams. They don’t deny what their children want to do, but they don’t completely agree with it, and they pull them up when they are about to stray from the path. I think it’s reassuring to have people like that.
I am still in the process of chasing my dreams, so I would like to move forward together with all of you who are also chasing your dreams!

Docomo Future Museum Official Website

Click here for details on the “Digital Art Course”

Little Glee Monster OFFICIAL SITE

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