Sho Hirano becomes a big brother who loves his nephew!Two new commercials for the Muhi series start airing nationwide

■“I definitely want to do bug catching (this summer)!” (Sho Hirano)

A new TV commercial featuring Sho Hirano, the new image character for the “Liquid Muhi S” and “Muhi Alpha EX series”, includes the “Liquid Muhi S” “Our Summer is Liquid Muhi S” edition and the Muhi Alpha EX series “Extreme Strength. ‘ version will be aired nationwide from May 7th.

Additionally, from May 6th to May 12th, outdoor advertisements will be displayed at “Shinjuku Wall 456 Premium +” at JR Shinjuku Station and “Hachiko Board,” “Hachiko Board 2,” and “Hachiko Board 3” at JR Shibuya Station.

In this new TV commercial, Sho Hirano appears for the first time in two years, playing the role of the main character who returns to his hometown. In the “Our Summer is Liquid Muhi S” edition, Hirano, who wears a white T-shirt and sandals, and Yuurito Mori, who plays the nephew who wears a straw hat and carries an insect cage and an insect net, have a natural acting style. Hirano is a big brother who cares about his nephew. In the “Extreme Strength” edition, Hirano wears outdoor clothing, climbs a mountain through the forest, and aims for the spectacular view from the top of the mountain, expressing his thoughts and emotions with various facial expressions.

■TVCM Story Liquid Muhi S TVCM “Our summer is Liquid Muhi S.”
After returning home to his hometown and playing with his nephew, he walked along the nearby plains and forest, which is rich in nature. Hirano rolls up the sleeve of his white T-shirt and applies “Liquid Muhi S” to his upper arm, which has been bitten by an insect. Hirano is going home soon, Mori is sulking because he doesn’t want to leave her, and Hirano acts cheerfully even though he can sense her lonely feelings. Seeing Mori scratching his shoulder, Hirano asks, “Do you want to use this?” and tries to give him the Liquid Muhi S, but Mori snarls, “It’s not stinging me!” The nostalgic atmosphere and the heartwarming interaction between the main character and his two nephews make this commercial memorable.

■TVCM Story Muhi Alpha EX Series TVCM “Master your strength.”
Clad in outdoor clothing, Hirano powerfully climbs the mountain through a steep forest lined with trees. Rush towards the top of the mountain with “Liquid Muhi Alpha EX”. Arriving at the top of the mountain, he applied “Liquid Muhi Alpha EX” to his forearm, which had been bitten by insects, and took his final step. The commercial shows what people are feeling in their hearts while looking at the spectacular scenery that spreads out in front of them, using expressions unique to Hirano.

■Outdoor advertisements posted at JR Shinjuku Station and JR Shibuya Station

Shinjuku Wall 456 Premium+

Shibuya Hachiko Board

[TV commercial shooting episode]
■Liquid Muhi S TVCM “Our summer is Liquid Muhi S.”

The rough-looking Hirano wears a white T-shirt and sandals, and Yuurito Mori, who plays the nephew, appears in a summer vacation look with a straw hat, insect cage, and insect net. The two met for the first time and exchanged greetings before filming began. During filming, there were several scenes where Hirano gently called out to Mori off-camera. Just before filming started, he was seen asking her in a friendly manner, “Did you practice?” Knowing that Mori was fully prepared, he playfully said, “I’m not the only one who’s perfect!” and calmed down the atmosphere on set.

We could see a glimpse of Hirano’s friendly personality as he cared for the forest from beginning to end, calling out to him and playing with him.

Even when the camera wasn’t rolling, they chatted quietly. I was impressed by Hirano’s constant voice and caring for Mori, making sure that he didn’t get anxious or bored.

In addition, during the web video shoot, scenes of the two of them sitting on a bench and blowing bubbles, and lying on tatami mats and doing shiritori were also filmed. It seemed like it had been a while since Hirano blew bubbles, but he said, “Let’s do it together!” and they immediately popped the bubbles that had swelled up in the forest and played a prank on them, seeing how far they could blow them together. It was impressive to see them competing and having fun together even when the cameras weren’t rolling. During the scene on the tatami floor where the actors lie down and do shiritori, the filming progressed in a peaceful atmosphere, with laughter erupting from the scene after the cut.

■Muhi Alpha EX series TVCM “Master your strength.” version
In the TV commercial for the “Muhi Alpha EX series,” Hirano, dressed in outdoor clothing, climbs through the forest and climbs a mountain, aiming for the spectacular view from the top of the mountain, and there is also a scene in which he is bitten by an insect and applies “Liquid Muhi Alpha EX” on his forearm. During the shooting of “Liquid Muhi Alpha EX”, there were various changes in facial expressions, and the plains blown by the wind or bathed in the setting sun were simply beautiful and picturesque no matter which scene was taken.

In a luxurious mountain path set that uses plenty of real trees, the plain that you move forward while dodging the trees looks like you are actually climbing a mountain path in the forest. In the scene where he views the scenery from the top of a mountain, Hirano immediately understood and accepted the director’s requests, and the director praised his acting through his facial expressions, saying, “As expected, you’re really good at it.”

■Sho Hirano interview
Q. This was your first time filming “Liquid Muhi S” in two years, how was it?
I had fun. All the staff welcomed me very kindly, and it was a very friendly scene, and it was also my first time meeting Yurito-kun (who plays my nephew), and he was so cute that I felt relaxed while filming. I was allowed to do so.

Q. The concept of the commercial is “Our summer is Liquid Muhi S.” Mr. Hirano, please let us know if there is anything you would like to try this summer.
“Insect catching” is a must-do! I have a lot of older friends, so I’d like to take them to a forest full of beetles and catch them!

Q. This is a commercial for “Liquid Muhi S” that depicts the main character returning to his hometown. Please tell us if there is anything you always do when you return to your hometown, Aichi.
There’s really no such thing as “always”. But in terms of things that happen more frequently, I eat Hitsumabushi, and do you know what “Gohei Mochi” is? It’s mochi, and there’s a place near my hometown that I’ve been going to since I was in middle school and elementary school, so I go there quite often to eat it.

Q. The commercial for the “Muhi Alpha EX series” has an impressive image of the main character finding a spectacular view on the top of a mountain. Mr. Hirano, please tell us about the “No. 1 spectacular view” that you have seen or experienced so far.
My hometown is a forest. It’s a bit of a climb up a hill, but I guess this is the view of the local area from the top of the mountain. I went there once before I went to Tokyo, and I swore to myself, “Okay, I’ll do my best, and I’ll come back here again.” It was the view above the forest that made me remember it as the most spectacular view. I guess so.

Q. Please give a message to everyone.
My name is Sho Hirano and I will be appearing in the commercials for “Liquid Muhi S” and “Muhi Alpha EX Series”. We hope that you can spend a wonderful summer with these two products.


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