YOSHIKI talks with the US Surgeon General! Also plays “Forever Love” on piano

■ “If my actions can have some kind of impact, I want to use my power as much as possible.” (YOSHIKI)

On August 7, YOSHIKI had a discussion with Dr. Vivek Murthy, Surgeon General of the United States. The topic of the discussion was “Promoting social connections and supporting mental health.”

Dr. Murthy is the top doctor in the United States, serving as the 21st Surgeon General of the United States. He has been working on various public health issues, with “supporting mental health issues caused by loneliness and isolation” as his top priority. In recent years, he has sounded the alarm that, due to the influence of social media, young people are increasingly feeling alienated and lonely, which has become a global social problem.

Meanwhile, YOSHIKI has also been involved in activities such as donating $100,000 to support mental care for people in the music industry in 2021. This time, YOSHIKI accepted a special offer for a discussion that he received in advance, and Dr. Murthy will be visiting Japan for the first time.

During the conversation, they discussed a variety of topics, starting with why they have both been concerned with mental health for so many years, and then went on to discuss the importance of sharing our emotional pain and the issues young people are currently facing.

YOSHIKI, who has launched a fund to support children in need, touched on his own childhood, including when his father took his own life. He said, “Helping others is helping yourself. That’s why I continue my support activities. I also make it important to make sure to publicly announce when I support or donate. By doing so, more people, including my fans, will know that there are people in need of help, and it helps to expand the circle of support.”

Additionally, the topic of how to effectively interact with technology such as social media and AI was a topic that YOSHIKI himself is keeping a close eye on, with him mentioning the AI ​​development he is undertaking in his recently announced innovative fan community, “YOSHIKI+.” A lively discussion ensued on this topic.

YOSHIKI said, “I sometimes receive messages from young fans through social media and fan letters about the difficult experiences they are going through. Sometimes my own heart is torn apart by social media, so I can’t help but sympathize with them.”

Dr. Murthy explained the current situation of young people, saying, “Young people are drowning in negative news, and have come to believe that there is no hope for the future. In the United States, the suicide rate among young people is also rising sharply, and it is said that feelings of isolation and negative news are also major factors. From now on, we need to increase the amount of time away from technology and re-understand the importance of face-to-face interactions with people. I believe that we should create opportunities to talk to people who are important to us, even if only for 15 minutes a day.”

Along with this, YOSHIKI also shared his thoughts on social media based on his own experiences.

“I myself have been the recipient of slander on social media, and it has really hurt me. I think slander only makes up a small percentage of the total, but it’s impossible to ignore. That’s the dark side of social media, and when you see that side, even if it’s just the numbers, it makes you feel like you’re being controlled by the darkness. But I also realize that there is a bright side to social media. When my mother passed away some time ago, I received millions of messages on social media. It was a big shock, but I’ll never forget how much love there was and how much support it gave me.”

Furthermore, towards the end of the conversation, they talked about relationships and love.

“I have treated terminally ill patients, and the closer they are to the end of their life, the more they talk about relationships, not money or things. The most important thing in life is love,” said Dr. Murthy. Then YOSHIKI performed a piano rendition of “Forever Love,” a song about eternal love.

Dr. Murthy was deeply moved as he paid tribute to YOSHIKI, saying, “I felt true love from the melody. I believe that calling someone to ask if they’re OK and creating beautiful music have the same healing effect. YOSHIKI is truly a healer.”

Finally, Dr. Murthy asked YOSHIKI, “I want to talk about hope. What gives you hope?”

In response, YOSHIKI said, “I am grateful for every moment. I am already blessed just to be alive in this world. As I have said many times before, I feel that love is the most important thing. Even though there is a lot of talk about AI, I want to prove the greatness of humans and the greatness of love. It is not an obligation, but if my actions can have some kind of impact, I will use my power as much as possible. I hope to make the world a better place.” He concluded the interview by saying, “Nothing is impossible. I believe anything is possible. That is my motto, and I believe that attitude will lead to helping people.”

Vice Admiral (VADM) Vivek H. Murthy, MD, MBA


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