Non’s movie “Watashi ni Fusawasii Hotel” features super-star cast members including Kenchi Tachibana (EXILE)

■ “I’m really looking forward to working with Non and all the other amazing cast members!” (EXILE Tachibana Kenchi)

The release date for the movie “Watashi ni Fusawasii Hotel,” starring Non, has been set for December 27th. The cast has also been announced.

“Watashi ni Fusawasii Hotel” is a literary entertainment story about Kayoko (Non), the most unfortunate new writer in literary history, who won a new writer’s award but was unable to have a brilliant debut or find a place to publish her novel due to harsh criticism from the veteran writer Higashijujo Munenori, and who aims to make a comeback in the literary world.

This time, the cast of characters who will support (!?) or compete against (!?) the reckless protagonist Kayoko, played by Non, will be played by a cast of talented and incredibly impressive actors, including Tanaka Kei, Takito Kenichi, Tanaka Minami, Hattori Kisaki, Takaishi Akari (the official spelling of “Taka” is with a はしごだか), Hashimoto Ai, Tachibana Kenchi, Mitsuishi Ken, and Wakamura Mayumi.

Endo, an elite editor at a major publishing company who is Kayoko’s senior at university and her editor-in-charge, is her greatest supporter (although he sometimes betrays her!), recognizing her tenacity and potential as a writer (though he sometimes betrays her!). The role is played by Tanaka Kei, who has appeared in many popular productions, including the “Ossan’s Love” (TV Asahi) series and “Your Turn to Kill” (Nippon TV), with the movie “Doctor X” coming up soon.

The role of Higashijujo Munenori, a prominent author who controls the publishing industry and holds a grudge against Kayoko for rejecting his manuscript and who tries every trick in the book to prevent her from making a living in the publishing industry, is played by Takito Kenichi, who is currently playing the protagonist’s boss in the NHK morning drama “Tiger with Wings.”

Other cast members include Tanaka Minami as the hostess of the high-class club that Higashijujo Munenori frequents, Hattori Kisaki as Arimori, a genius high school novelist with a talent that comes once in a decade and is the talk of the literary world, Takaishi Akari as the unruly girl who is the only person Higashijujo Munenori cannot stand up to, Hashimoto Ai, who will be co-starring with Non for the third time since “Amachan” (NHK) and “Hold Me Back” (2020), as Sudo, an extremely famous charismatic bookseller who loves nothing but books, Tachibana Kenchi as a trendy actor who secretly visits Higashijujo Munenori’s club, Mitsuishi Ken as an honest hotel attendant at the hotel where Endo and his family are staying over Christmas, and Wakamura Mayumi as Higashijujo Munenori’s faithful wife who is his kind and supportive wife.

How will each of them intersect with the unconventional and cheerful Kayoko, and how will the story progress? Stay tuned for further updates.

Comment from Kei Tanaka
Is Kayoko, played by Non, an ally or not?
It was a lot of fun to play two people with an exquisite distance between them that is not just a senior and junior relationship from university. It was my first time working with her, and I was amazed at how perfectly she played Kayoko, no matter where or when. I was thrilled with every scene.
Director Tsutsumi’s funky direction was also a lot of fun, and while he fully accepted it, there was one scene where Non delivered a long line and everyone burst into applause.
I hope you’ll laugh at the betrayals and deceptions and feel the ambition and passion of the characters in this exhilarating story!

Comment from Kenichi Takito
I felt that “A Hotel Suitable for Me” was a realistic everyday life, but also a fantasy world. I remember that the original story and the script were so interesting that it was very difficult to act, and I had to fight the fear every day (laughs). After we started filming, I think that with the help of Director Tsutsumi, the staff, Non-chan, Kei-kun, and the rest of the cast, I was able to comfortably swim in this world of greed and jealousy.
Director Tsutsumi and I are from the same hometown. It’s been 14 years since “SPEC,” so I was very happy to be able to work together again. He has created many legends, such as “Keizoku,” “TRICK,” and “20th Century Boys,” so I was able to savor the happiness of being able to live in Tsutsumi’s worldview on set.
This film is an explosion of Non-chan’s world! The continuous dialogue that gets to the heart of the matter makes you feel as if it is happening to you, and you will be engrossed in the film. If you feel that the world is unfair, if you are frustrated and wondering why it has to happen to you, I hope you will watch this film and laugh your head off.

■ Comment from Minami Tanaka
This was my first time working with Non-san, but I was completely captivated by her clarity, her strength, her vitality, everything about her. In the singing scene in the movie, she was so seductive that she seemed to draw everyone there… I can’t wait for it to be released!

■ Comment from Kisaki Hattori
The filming ended in a flash, but the scene was much funnier than I had imagined when reading the script, and my expectations for what kind of movie it would be grew even more as I filmed. Kayoko, played by Non, was very charming, energetic and outrageous, while also being cute in her retro costume.
This was my first time working with Tsutsumi’s team, but I was excited to be there and see how the director’s unique direction made each scene more and more interesting. I hope everyone will enjoy watching it on the big screen.

■ Comment from Akari Takaishi
I am truly honoured to have had the opportunity to work with such a wonderful cast and director Tsutsumi Yukihiko.
I was deeply moved to be able to see up close how Non’s facial expressions, voice, and gestures as Kayoko changed dramatically within a single scene.
It was a luxurious time with people I had hoped to spend someday with. Even now, when I think back on it, it feels like a dream.
I had a powerful and enjoyable time playing Miwako, who is in the midst of a rebellious phase against her father.
Come experience the dialogue between these unique characters at the theater!

■ Comment from Ai Hashimoto
Although my participation was short, I felt empowered by the powerful, colorful, and overflowing energy of the main character played by Non-chan.
It’s been about 10 years since I last met Director Tsutsumi, and the unique style of the filming was the same as before, so it was nostalgic and fun. I was also happy to be able to be a part of the story of my beloved Yuzuki-san. Look forward to it!

■ Comment from Kenchi Tachibana
I was excited to be working with Director Tsutsumi again after a long time, and my anticipation turned out to be correct. The director’s direction on set was as sharp as ever, and I had a lot of fun working up a cold sweat. I’m really looking forward to seeing Non and the other amazing cast members together! Please come and see it at the theater.

Comment from Ken Mitsuishi
This was my first time working with Non-san, but her direct gaze left a strong impression. She catches your eye wherever she is. She is a one-of-a-kind actress.
I only participated for one day, but the Tsutsumi team was as exciting as ever! They were full of ideas and it was a really fun and fulfilling shoot.

■ Comment from Mayumi Wakamura
This is my first time working with Tsutsumi since “SPEC Saga Final Chapter: SICK’S Jounoshi Sho.” It was only a one-day shoot, but it was fun to be immersed in Director Tsutsumi’s worldview.
Non portrayed the heroine with a strong core and a carefree, free-spirited personality, and the kimono suited her perfectly.
This was my first time acting alongside Kenichi Takito, who also graduated from Mumeijuku, and it was fascinating to see how in just a few moments we managed to create the atmosphere of a married couple who have been together for many years.

Movie Information

“The perfect hotel for me”
December 27th (Friday) Nationwide release

Cast: Non
Kei Tanaka and Kenichi Takito
Minami Tanaka, Kisaki Hattori, Akari Takaishi, Ai Hashimoto
Kenchi Tachibana (EXILE), Ken Mitsuishi, Mayumi Wakamura

Director: Yukihiko Tsutsumi
Original work: Asako Yuzuki’s “A Hotel Suitable for Me” (published by Shincho Bunko)
Screenplay: Keita Kawajiri
Distribution: Nikkatsu/KDDI
(C)2012 Asako Yuzuki/Shinchosha
(C) 2024 “Watashi ni Fusawasii Hotel” Production Committee

“Watashi ni Fusawasii Hotel” production site

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