Murasaki is currently performing the theme song “Ginmokusei” live for co-stars Ayako Yoshitani and Rina Asakawa of the drama “Please be more unfortunate than me”

■Murasaki Yoshitani Ayako and Asakawa Rina, who met Kon for the first time, were very excited, saying “Amazing!” and “Wonderful!”

Murasaki Ima, who sings the theme song “Ginmokusei” for the Tuesday Platinum Night Drama DEEP “Please Be More Unfortunate Than Me” (NTV), had her long-awaited first meeting with the drama’s co-stars, Yoshitani Ayako and Asakawa Rina, and performed “Ginmokusei” live in front of them.

“I want you to be unhappy forever.”
“I’ve been waiting for the peak of happiness for that.”

He steals her sister’s husband and her best friend, and she wants to watch from up close while pretending to support her as she falls into the depths of despair.

This drama depicts a fierce battle for supremacy between a younger sister who is obsessed with twisted desires and her older sister. Murasaki Ima spoke about the thoughts she put into the song, saying, “I wrote it after reading the script for this drama, and although ‘Gin-Osmanthus’ is not as gorgeous as the Osmanthus, I felt that the contrast of it having the strength to reproduce on its own overlaps with the sisters in the drama, so I wrote it.” She then performed the theme song live, accompanied by guitar.

Yoshitani Ayako and Asakawa Rina, who met Murasaki Kon for the first time, were thrilled, exclaiming, “Amazing!” and “Wonderful!” Yoshitani praised her performance, saying, “I’m so happy to be able to hear a song I’ve listened to so long in front of me. This song is very sad, and the lyrics and singing voice are in perfect harmony with the character of Keiko, so I was really moved!”

Asakawa also looked deeply moved, saying, “It was a luxury to be able to enjoy that straightforward, beautiful singing voice right in front of me. Thank you for the wonderful song that was in line with the work!”

The story is finally reaching its turbulent middle stage. What action will Keiko, the older sister, take against Shiho’s further evil fangs?

■ Episode 5 Synopsis
“Big sister, I’m in love with Shinichi.”

Keiko (Yoshitani Ayako), who knew nothing about it, is shocked by the shocking confession made by her younger sister Shiho (Asakawa Rina). “Shiho, you’re lying, right…?” Keiko is pushed straight into the abyss. Shiho smiles triumphantly as she watches her sister’s tears, and cries in her heart… That’s the face I wanted to see… Despair more… Cry more… Be more miserable!

“Keiko, it’s not that. Listen to me.” Shinichi’s (Seto Toshiki) desperate pleas fall on deaf ears to Keiko. Broken-hearted, Keiko returns to her parents’ house and quietly grieves alone. No matter how many times Shinichi comes to visit, Keiko sends him away without even meeting him. She has no intention of forgiving him. But that doesn’t mean she’s prepared to accept the divorce, nor does she have the courage to bring it up. There’s nothing she can do…

Keiko’s best friend Yuka (Murase Sae) tells her, “Shinichi is trying to seriously confront Keiko.” “You can’t keep quiet or endure it. You’re going to tell her everything you’re thinking.” Encouraged by Yuka’s words, Keiko makes up her mind to confront Shinichi in order to grab happiness once again, but Shiho’s poisonous fangs are about to attack Keiko who has made up her mind!

Program Information

Nippon Television NetworkTuesday Platinum Night Drama DEEP “Please be more unfortunate than me”
08/13 (Tue) 24:24-24:54 *Episode 5
*Each episode will be distributed on TVer and Hulu after broadcast.

Cast: Ayako Yoshitani, Rina Asakawa, Riki Seto, Sae Murase, Junji Munakata, Ami Tomite, Yorie Yamashita, Satoshi Jinbo
Original work: “Please be more unfortunate than me” by Saimasa/Everystar Takeno Takeno and Masiki/comico
Screenplay: Keiko Kameno
(C)Saimasa/Everystar (C)Takeno Takenoko・Masiki/comico (C)NTV

Release Information

2024.07.12 ON SALE
Purple Now
DIGITAL SINGLE“Silver Osmanthus”

Drama “Please be more unfortunate than me” program site

Murasaki Now Official Site

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