In the third episode of “Yukite Saku with You”, the kind-hearted and beautiful swordsman Shinnojo, played by Kazuto Mokuyo, makes his full appearance.

Pay attention to Shinnojo Matsunaga, delicately played by Kazuto Mokuyo (the cause lies with himself)!

TV Asahi’s historical drama “Yukite Saku with You ~Shinsengumi Seishunroku~”. The third episode, which will be broadcast from 24:15 on May 8th, depicts the past and bond between Shinnojo (Kazuto Mokuyo) and Namunosuke (Katsuta Hadani), who had a “fateful reunion”. go.

Osamu Tezuka’s hidden masterpiece (the correct spelling for zuka is the old font) has been made into a film for the first time, starring Kentaro Maeda and Tomoya Oku, two up-and-coming young actors.The youth of the Shinsengumi members who bloomed in the end of the Edo period, but were fleetingly scattered. This work emotionally depicts. In the second episode, Ryuji Sato, a top actor who is active in musicals and stages, makes a dramatic appearance in the role of a “mysterious man,” and in the final scene, Kazuto Mokuyo (The Cause is Myself) plays Matsunaga. Shinnojo also appears. Fans’ voices of joy flooded social media.

■What is the conflict faced by Shinnojo, the “kind-hearted swordsman” played by Kazuto Mokuyo?
Daisaku Kamagiri (Kentaro Maeda), Okajuro Fukakusa (Tomoya Oku), and Namunosuke rescue a young man who was entangled with thugs in town. It turns out that the young man is Shinnojo, the second son of the samurai family that Namunosuke once served. Shinnojo’s birthplace fell into ruin in the aftermath of the Ansei Great Prison. After that, he seemed to be lost on the streets with no direction to go…

Namunosuke, who loved him from the bottom of his heart, was just happy to see him again, and Shinnojo, who was weakened, took shelter in the base of the Mibu Roshi-gumi, the predecessor of the Shinsengumi, but he was not good with swords. Shinnojo, who doesn’t like fighting, has a secret conflict… So what exactly is Shinnojo’s trouble? Will he continue to be a member of the Mibu Roshi-gumi?

Mokuyo got his break by playing Michinaga Azuma/Kamen Rider Buffer in “Kamen Rider Geets” (2022-2023). Not only does he appear in numerous dramas as an actor, but he is also the cause of this. A 19-year-old who is also active as a member of. Mokuyo, who played the ambitious Michinaga in “Geets,” delicately portrays the kind-hearted and beautiful swordsman in this work.

■The famous audition scene is finally depicted in the main story!There is also a two-shot scene that is too precious.
Also, in the third episode, the thoughts of Namunosuke, who swears loyalty to Shinnojo, are also depicted. “This time, I will protect Shinnojo-sama.” Namunosuke declares his determination.What is the unforgettable past with Shinnojo that made him think so?

The role of Namunosuke was won by Hadani through the harsh screening process of “Life-changing Shin Historical Drama Audition “Makenu SHINKEN” ~The Road to the Shinsengumi~”, but the final screening was a “4-person play”. It is also a big highlight that the scene that became an issue is finally depicted in the main story. Hatani, who was selected from a total of about 800 applicants, descended into the world of the work as Minami Munosuke, and his acting with an even more “serious” expression towards the two leads and Mokuyo gave me goosebumps.

In addition, a two-shot scene in which Shinnojo and Namunosuke’s pure feelings are painfully intertwined is also depicted. It is a beautiful and precious scene in which Namunosuke treats Shinnojo’s injuries under the moonlight.

■“#Daikyuu” Pay attention to the sunset scene of Kentaro Maeda and Tomoya Oku!
In the third episode, veteran Ikkei Watanabe also appears as a guest. Yoshimasa Nueno, a wealthy merchant who is a purveyor to the Aizu clan, is played by Watanabe with great presence, and he harbors evil feelings for the beautiful Shinnojo, and is intent on targeting him. Will Shinnojo be able to escape from Nueno’s relentless clutches?

On the other hand, the duo of Daisaku and Okajuro, which has already become known as “#Daikyuu” among fans, is also paying attention. In the third episode, there is a scene at dusk where you will be shocked by Daisaku’s tsundere behavior.

Meanwhile, there is a slight misunderstanding between the executives… Kamo Serizawa (Ryosuke Miura), the head of the Mibu Roshi-gumi, and Isamu Kondo (Ko Takano), the head of the group, have been working hard to gain the backing of the Aizu clan for the future of the troupe, but they dislike Serizawa’s scheming and unnecessary tactics. Kondo had a small button misplaced… At the very end, an unexpected turmoil occurs.

Global broadcasting and distribution of “Kimiyuki” has also been decided. Broadcasting and distribution of “With You I Bloom” (English title: “With You I Bloom”) will begin sequentially in 248 countries and regions around the world, mainly in Asia such as South Korea and Thailand, but also in Europe, the United States, India, and Africa.

Program information

TV Asahi“Blooming with You ~Shinsengumi Seishunroku~”
Episode 3
05/08 (Tue) 24:15~
Every Tuesday from 24:15
*Excluding some areas
*Missed broadcast available on TVer and TELASA

TVer distribution page

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