Aiba Masaki and JIN (BTS) groom rescue dogs in Korea! “Aiba Grooming in Korea” broadcast on “24 Hour TV 47”

■Top Japanese and Korean artists team up in a dream collaboration to spread love to dogs!

Details of “Aiba Trimming in Korea,” a rescue dog grooming project by Aiba Masaki that will be featured on Nippon Television’s “24 Hour TV 47,” which will be broadcast from 6:30 p.m. on August 31st, were announced on the same station’s “Ah!! Everyone’s Zoo” aired on August 17th.

In recent years, South Korea has begun to move towards a future where both people and animals can be happy, by abandoning the term “pet” and instead using the term “companion animal,” which means animals that coexist and live symbiotically with humans. The country has also launched an animal protection slogan, “Adopt, don’t buy,” and in some municipalities, the government will even cover part of the costs of animal protection.

In Korea, the oldest member of BTS, JIN, will be grooming rescue dogs with Aiba. The dream team of two top Japanese and Korean artists will deliver love to dogs. This will be JIN’s first time appearing on Japanese television since being discharged from the military.

Program Information

Nippon Television“24 Hour TV 47”
08/31 (Sat) 18:30 – 09/01 (Sun) 20:54
Hosted by: Shinya Ueda, Shinichi Hatori, Asami Miura (Nippon Television announcers)

“24 Hour TV 47” program site

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