Naniwa Danshi’s Ryusei Onishi, who is from Hyogo Prefecture, is also a fan! “Himitsu no Kenmin Show Kiwami” will feature “Ibonoito”

■ Naniwa Danshi’s Ryusei Onishi will appear on “Secret Kenmin Show Kiwami” which will be broadcast from 9pm on August 22nd.

Naniwa Danshi’s Ryusei Onishi will be appearing on Yomiuri TV’s “The Secret Kenmin Show Goku,” which will air from 9:00 p.m. on August 22nd.

We take a thorough look at Ibonoito, the hand-pulled somen that has reigned as Japan’s No. 1 producer for 35 consecutive years. Everyone knows the name Ibonoito, but perhaps not many people know that it is produced in Hyogo Prefecture. We head to Hyogo Prefecture to reveal the definition of Ibonoito, the mysterious premium product “Kuro-obi” that Hyogo residents love the most, and other “unknown secrets” we discovered in the birthplace of Ibonoito. We also introduce “delicious ways to eat it” and exquisite dishes made with Ibonoito, as taught by Hyogo residents.

Hyogo-born guest Ryusei Onishi (Naniwa Danshi) also said he loves it, and Indians’ Akihiro Tabuchi, whose family owns a noodle factory in Ibonoito, spoke passionately about the appeal of the original from the perspective of a noodle factory, with his family appearing on video. At the tasting session, “Kuro Obi” was served, and all the guests were impressed by its deliciousness.

“Himitsu no OSAKA Kiwami” introduces “restaurants and Osaka residents.” It’s a surprising behavior that people do to the person sitting next to them, but when you ask people in Tokyo about it, many say, “It’s embarrassing,” “I don’t ask,” or “I don’t want to be asked,” whereas in Osaka, people have the opposite opinion, saying, “If you’re curious, you’ll ask,” “What’s wrong with that?” and “If asked, I’ll add a comment.” When they actually try it out at an izakaya in Osaka, something unbelievable happens to people from other prefectures!? MC Hisamoto Masami and guest Kendo Kobayashi nod in agreement at the results of this experiment, saying, “That’s totally true.” What are the surprising behaviors that Osaka residents do at restaurants?

The roadside station investigation team heads to a roadside station in Hokkaido. About 30 minutes by car from Hakodate City, they visit “Nanairo Nanae,” which was ranked first among roadside stations in Hokkaido in terms of “feeling like they were able to take a relaxing break” and “want to stay for a long time.” Among the many local specialties, they discover a “bread accompaniment” that combines cream cheese with a “mysterious delicacy.” What is the true identity of this “delicacy,” a unique combination of cream cheese that is so unique that it is impossible to imagine the taste? When it comes out to the tasting session in the studio, all the guests, including actors Yamanishi Jun (from Kyoto) and Hori Miona (from Gifu), are impressed by its unexpected deliciousness.

Program Information

Yomiuri TV“The Secret Kenmin Show Extreme”
08/22 (Thu) 21:00-21:54

Osaka Masami Hisamoto
Tokyo: Yuji Tanaka (Bakusho Mondai)

Hokkaido Yu Hatanaka (Oswald)
Chiba Yuko Ogura
Gifu Hori Miona
Osaka Kimu (Indians)
Osaka Kendo Kobayashi
Hyogo: Ryusei Onishi (Naniwa Boys)
Hyogo: Akihiro Tabuchi (Indians)
Kagawa Takahata Atsuko
Data Manager: Akiyoshi Ohno (Yomiuri TV announcer)
Produced and written by: Yomiuri Television

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