The film “KAN KIN (Confinement)”, written by Kitani Tatsuya and Da Vinci Osorezan, will be released

■Kitani Tatsuya will be the headliner on August 25th at “YouTube Music Weekend 8.0 supported by docomo”

Kitani Tatsuya has announced that he will release the video work “KAN KIN (Confinement)” on his YouTube channel at 9pm on August 25th.

This will be released as part of “YouTube Music Weekend 8.0 supported by docomo,” in which live footage and music videos of 94 artists will be premiered all at once over three days from August 23rd to 25th.

Kitani Tatsuya will be the headliner on the 25th.

The script was written by Da Vinci Osorezan. Be sure to check out what kind of work will come out of this.

Live Information

“Kitani Tatsuya Arena Tour 2025 (tentative)”
March 15th (Sat) Ariake Arena, Tokyo
March 16th (Sun) Ariake Arena, Tokyo
March 20th (Thursday, National Holiday) Asue Arena Osaka

Release Information

2024.09.04 ON SALE


Kitani Tatsuya OFFICIAL SITE

Da Vinci Osorezan

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