From the drama “Subarashiki Sai, Sensei!” starring Erika Ikuta, “Sasaoka family shots” featuring Ikuta, Seiko Utsumi, Misako Tanaka, and Katsunori Takahashi have been released

The person who released the “family photo” of the Sasaoka family was Katsunori Takahashi, who plays the father, Hideki.

Ikuta Erika’s first lead role in a terrestrial drama series, the ABC TV/TV Asahi drama “Subarashiki Kaya, Sensei!”, began airing on August 18th. Recently, actor Takahashi Katsunori, who is appearing in the drama, posted a photo of the four of them, Ikuta, Utsumi Seiko, Tanaka Misako, and Takahashi, on his blog.

“Subarashiki Ya, Sensei!” is a drama that depicts the story of a novice high school teacher, Rio Sasaoka (Ikuta), who became a teacher out of aspiration, but was tired of the unreasonable educational environment and was on the verge of quitting her job, when she was put in charge of a third-year class for the first time and grew up while navigating the thorny path.

The four-shot is a sort of “family photo” with all the members of the Sasaoka family together: Rio’s younger sister Seri (Utsumi), a college student who is the polar opposite of Rio, their mother Nao (Tanaka), who is against Rio becoming a teacher, and their father Hideki (Takahashi), who is the president of the company he started himself.

The Sasaoka family are close friends even outside of the drama, with Ikuta and Utsumi joining their fingers together to make a heart shape while Tanaka and Takahashi made one.

The drama “Subarashiki Kaya, Sensei!” is currently being broadcast every Sunday at 10pm. Episode 3, “Even the Teacher Gets Scared,” will air on September 1st.

Program Information

ABC Television and TV Asahi Sunday 10pm drama “Wonderful Teacher!”
09/01 (Sun) 22:00~ *Episode 3
*After the broadcast, catch-up streaming will be available on TVer and ABEMA

Cast: Erika Ikuta, Mizuki Kayashima, Jin Suzuki, Yuki Tachibana, Riko Nagase, Nako Yabuki, Rio Komiya, Yui Oguri
Shono Hayama, Ren Kiriyama, Kenji Hamatani, Sarina Suzuki, Hiromasa Taguchi, Yuta Koseki
Hisako Manda, Shingo Yanagisawa, Misako Tanaka, Katsunori Takahashi
Screenplay and direction: Takayuki Takuma
Theme song: Mariya Takeuchi “Let’s Give a Song” (Warner Music Japan)

(C)ABC Television

“Wonderful Teacher!” Program Site

Katsunori Takahashi OFFICIAL BLOG


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