Momoclo Momota Kanako releases video of “Each no Mirai” from last year’s solo concert

■General ticket lottery reception for “Kanako Momota 30th BIRTHDAY LIVE” has started

The general ticket lottery for Momoiro Clover Z’s Kanako Momota’s birthday live “Kanako Momota 30th BIRTHDAY LIVE” to be held at TOKYO GARDEN THEATER in Tokyo on July 15th will begin on May 9th.

In addition, a live video of “Sozo no Mirai” from Kanako Momota’s solo concert “Talk With Me Xmas Night ~Cinderella Time~” held in 2023 was released.

“Kanako Momota 30th BIRTHDAY LIVE” is a solo concert to commemorate Kanako Momota’s 30th birthday on July 12th. Tickets for the general lottery will be accepted until 11:59pm on May 13th. For other details, please check the special live site.

In addition, the video of “Each no Mirai” from Kanako Momota’s solo concert “Talk With Me Published on the channel.

“Sozo no Mirai” is a ballad number with lyrics written by Momota himself that was first performed in 2020. It is a must-see to see Momota singing softly while wearing a fluffy white one-piece costume.

Live information

Kanako Momota 30th BIRTHDAY LIVE
07/15 (Monday/Holiday) Tokyo/TOKYO GARDEN THEATER

“Kanako Momota 30th BIRTHDAY LIVE” special site

Kanako Momota OFFICIAL Instagram

Momoiro Clover Z OFFICIAL SITE

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