BABYMONSTER’s debut album “BABYMONS7ER” production documentary released

■YG producers are all in attendance for BABYMONSTER’s debut album “BABYMONS7ER”!

“YG PRODUCTION EP.1 The Making of BABYMONSTER’s ‘SHEESH”, which reflects the efforts and passion of YG producers and members until BABYNONSTER’s debut album “BABYMONS7ER” was born, was released on YG’s official blog.

“BABYMONS7ER” was completed through the free collaboration of many producers who share YG DNA’s vision. CHOICE37 explained that they have been focusing on YG Production System’s core value of “supporting artists to find their own unique colors and grow.”

In fact, the producers have been collaborating with BABYNONSTER since they were trainees and have uncovered their potential. The way they suggested the images they imagined while singing along with the members, and worked together to create ad-libs that added to the charm of the song, confirmed that their efforts so far were leading to musical synergy.

BABYNONSTER’s official debut title song “SHEESH” was gradually reborn into its final form as YG producers hit it off. CHOICE37 and Sonny worked on the verse and free, and LP put their heart and soul into maximizing the intensity of the drop part.

Executive producer Yang Hyun Suk also offered support. ASA, RUKA, and AHYEON’s rap parts received great love from music fans as they worked hard to add variety to the second verse. The last hook, which could not be achieved after several dozen revisions, was also directly arranged, adding charm to the song with the members’ low whispers and grand atmosphere.

The completion of the entire process was BABYMONSTER, who demonstrated the skills they had honed over the years and demonstrated perfect synergy as a seven-member group by joining AHYEON. The producers expressed their special trust in the members with words such as, “They captured the intended emotion 100% perfectly,” “They have an amazing vocal tone,” and “They give a complete performance with just their voices.” .

YG plans to stamp BABYNONSTER’s continued growth through their next new song. CHOICE37 expressed their gratitude to the fans by saying, “We will work hard to bring out all of our members’ abilities and colors,” and “It’s all thanks to everyone’s support that we are able to make music and let everyone hear it.” I told you.

BABYNONSTER’s “BABYMONS7ER” sold 401,287 copies in one week, setting a new record for the first album of a K-pop girl group’s debut. The title song “SHEESH” MV reached 100 million views on YouTube in 10 days and 200 million views in 33 days, breaking the record for the fastest K-Pop girl group debut song to reach 100 million views. The song has remained at the top of the Spotify Daily Song Chart, the world’s largest music platform, for 37 consecutive days.


release information

2024.04.02 ON SALE


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