NORD takes on foreign play for the first time! Main visual for second theatrical performance released & general ticket sales begin

■ “I’m really looking forward to seeing if we can create our own chemical reaction and open up new possibilities!” (Shima Taisei)

The main visual for “Tom and Dick and Harry,” the second theatrical production by Hokkaido-based boy band NORD, which will be performed at the Job Kita Kitahachi Theater in Hokkaido from October 3rd to August 14th, has been released, and general tickets are now on sale at Lawson Ticket.

NORD (Ken Funaki, Takuki Apo, Taisei Shima, Hikaru Takihara) is a four-member boy band whose members are all from and live in Hokkaido. They are very active, appearing on TV and radio in Hokkaido, as well as on variety shows, movies, and stage productions nationwide.

The second play they chose to perform was “Tom, Dick and Harry,” the first collaboration between British comedic master Ray Cooney and his son, fellow comedy master Michael Cooney.

Tom and Linda, a couple living in a rented house in London, are waiting for the interviewer to arrive to adopt a child of their dreams. Tom’s younger brother Dick comes and offers to sell his illegal cigarettes and brandy from France to help pay for the adoption, but Tom, wanting to avoid trouble, refuses and tells them to carry his luggage upstairs.

Meanwhile, Harry, the youngest brother, arrives and declares that he has the answer to Tom’s complaint that “if we owned our own house, it would be a plus for the interview.” He learns that the reason for the bargain price he found in a nearby property listing was because a murder body was found in the garden, and that if a body was found in this house, the landlord would sell it to him cheaply, so he brought the body from the hospital where he works.

Tom, who does not want to fail today’s interview at all, struggles to deal with one commotion after another, but the situation becomes a quagmire… This is a hilarious slapstick comedy.

The production will be directed by Naya Masahiro, artistic director of Job Kita Kitahachi Theater, and will feature a cast of talents and actors active in Sapporo. This will be NORD’s first attempt at an overseas play.

Regarding the performance, the four members shared their thoughts, saying, “We want to use each member’s range to create a stage that will move the hearts of the audience!” (Funaki), “We will do our best to ensure that the audience sees an even more powerful NORD theatrical performance than last time!” (Abo), “We are really looking forward to seeing if we can create our own kind of chemistry and open up new possibilities!” (Shima), and “We would like to sublimate what we have experienced over the past year in a way that is positive for both ourselves and NORD, and deliver it to the audience” (Takihara).

NORD’s second theater production, “Tom, Dick and Harry,” will run a total of 16 stages from October 3rd to October 14th at the Job Kita Kitahachi Theater (the 3rd will be a dress rehearsal open to Office Cue fan club members only).

Tickets are on sale at Lawson Ticket. In addition, advance reservations for performance goods are being accepted at Office Cue’s online shop, CuePro. For more information on the performance, please visit the NORD official website.

Stage Information

NORD 2nd Theatre Performance “Tom, Dick and Harry”
October 3rd (Thursday) to October 14th (Monday) Hokkaido Job Kitahachi Theater
*No performance on Monday, October 7th

Written by: Ray Cooney/Michael Cooney
Translated by: Tsuneshi Odashima
Cast: NORD (Ken Funaki, Takujo Abo, Taisei Shima, Hikaru Takihara)
Minori Igarashi Hirotaka Otaguro (Route 36) Chie Ohashi Naoto Minowa Hisaji Yamano
Directed by: Masahiro Naya
Sponsor: Lawson Entertainment Co., Ltd.
Co-organized by the Tanaka Memorial Theatre Foundation
Planning and production: Creative Office Q/Sony Music Entertainment


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