Ryuya Miyase takes on his first lead role in a TV drama series! In “Snowdrop’s First Love,” he takes on the role of “a lonely grim reaper who has never loved anyone”

■ “The role of the Grim Reaper is a difficult one, but there are many human aspects to it, so I enjoyed reading the script.” (Miyase Ryuya)

The drama series for KTV/Fuji TV’s Tuesday night 11pm slot “Kadora★Eleven”, which will start on October 1st, has been decided to be “Snowdrop’s First Love”, starring Miyase Ryuya.

This drama is a love story about Kataoka Sakuya, a grim reaper who has descended to the human world for the first time, and Mochizuki Nayuki, who lost her father at a young age and has dedicated her life to raising her only surviving relative, her younger brother.The two gradually come to understand each other and are drawn to each other.

However, a fate that would change their lives dramatically awaited them…

■Miyase Ryuya, who is starring in a TV drama for the first time, takes on the role of an innocent, free-spirited, lonely Grim Reaper!
This is Miyase’s first lead role in a drama series, and he will play the main character, Sakuya. The heroine, Nayuki, will be played by Ono Karin, who will be acting alongside Miyase for the first time.

Miyase plays Sakuya, a shinigami who descends to the human world for the first time for a certain purpose. He has knowledge and interest in the human world, but has no experience, so his first life in the human world is full of mysteries.

Furthermore, because he has never had any interactions with others, he can be rude and unreserved with everyone, but his innocent and free-spirited personality confuses Nayuki, but also fascinates her…

■ The heroine who lives her life to the fullest for others is the talented actress Karin Ono, who will be co-starring with Miyase for the first time.
Ono plays Nayuki, who lives with her father and younger brother after her parents’ divorce, but loses her father when she is in her second year of high school.She then becomes a kind-hearted older sister who takes care of her younger brother, who is her only remaining relative.

She works in accounting at a restaurant chain run by an old friend of her father, allowing her to go home on time to support her younger brother. She is strict with herself and has forgotten how to be dependent on others, but after meeting Sakuya, she gradually begins to think about “valuing herself and living life the way she wants to.”

■A drama for everyone that depicts the importance of “living positively”!
This work depicts the love story between a Grim Reaper and an adult woman, as well as the important theme of “the wonder of life.”

Rather than a gloomy story of the end, this is a wonderful love story that will remind you of the richness, joy, brightness, and energy of “living,” which we often forget. This work conveys, in a bright worldview, the importance of living each day with a positive attitude, and makes you see your life a little more positively than yesterday. Be sure to check it out.

■The love triangle between the rival boy and the protagonist will be announced at a later date, so be sure to check it out!
Through his interactions with the heroine, the Grim Reaper learns the emotion of “love” for the first time. The heroine falls in love with the Grim Reaper without knowing his true identity. The childhood friend who has been watching over the heroine from behind the scenes will also be announced at a later date.

The drama will feature the theme of “to love someone is to live,” as it portrays the conflict of unrequited love, heartbreaking self-sacrifice, and the joy of love.

■ Comment from Ryuya Miyase
Q. How did you feel when you were chosen to appear in this film? And what were your thoughts after reading the script?

I was very happy to be able to return to the Hidora★Eleven slot that I had previously appeared in. Although I felt that the role of the Grim Reaper was a difficult one, there were many human aspects to it, and I enjoyed reading the script.

Q. What was your impression of Mr. Ono, who you co-starred with for the first time? Also, is there any side of yourself that you would like to reveal first?
When I met him for the first time, he greeted me with a big smile and I was so relieved. He was such a nice and kind person that I felt at ease. I might talk a lot when the shooting is stopped. I’m the type who asks a lot of questions, so if I’m too noisy, please tell me “I’m a bit noisy right now” (laughs).

Q. A variety of gourmet foods appear in this film, but what is your “food that gives you energy”?
It’s a hamburger steak from a location lunch. When that lunch box is served during filming, I get really excited! Please do (laughs).

Q. Please give a message to the viewers.
If you only heard the title and synopsis, I’m sure there are many people who wonder what kind of drama it will be, but through a bittersweet love story, it is a work that will support and encourage you in your daily life. Please look forward to it!

■ Comment from Karin Ono
Q. How did you feel when you were chosen to appear in this production, and what were your impressions after reading the script?
To be honest, when I first heard that I would be falling in love with the Grim Reaper (lol), I was a bit worried, but when I read the script, I found it to be a really cute story and started looking forward to filming.

Q. What is your impression of Miyase-san, who you are acting with for the first time? Also, is there any side of yourself you would like to reveal first?
Miyase-san is 20 and I’m 26, so there’s a 6-year age gap between us, but I was surprised at how mature he is. So, I hope to discover more of what it’s like to be 20 years old. I can eat an infinite amount of sweets, so if someone brings me some I’ll eat them, and when I get a little tired I’ll snack on some chocolate…I wish he’d stop that (laughs).

Q. A variety of gourmet foods appear in this film, but what is your favorite food that gives you energy?
Miso soup with lots of ingredients like myoga ginger and okra really gives you energy. I want to eat it every day!

Q. Please give a message to the viewers.
I’m really excited to see what will happen with the love story between the Grim Reaper played by Miyase-san. I think it’s going to be a heart-pounding love story, and there will be a lot of delicious food. I’ll be working hard on the filming, so I hope you’ll check it out!

■ Comment from Producer Takashi Hagiwara (Kantele)
If the Grim Reaper existed in this world, what would he be like? Moreover, what would you do if the person you love was the Grim Reaper? I created this love story while indulging in such fantasies. Buried in the many responsibilities that come at you every day, it’s easy to forget what you really want to do, what your true feelings, will, and hopes are. However, your life is yours, and if you can cherish and care for yourself more than anyone else, then surely you can be kinder to those around you, and ultimately, wouldn’t the world be filled with kindness? I would be happy if this drama could give a push to many people by entrusting such wishes to this free-spirited, unreserved, and rude Grim Reaper.


Kansai TV/Fuji TVFire Drama Eleven “Snowdrop’s First Love”
Starts Tuesday, October 1st
Every Tuesday from 11:00 to 11:30
Cast: Ryuya Miyase, Karin Ono and others
Screenplay: Yukiko Manabe, Chito Yokoo
Music: Wataru Sato, Kanako Hara
Directed by Kamiya Kaede and Kitabo Shinichi
Producers: Takashi Hagiwara, Koji Tanaka, Akane Yoshikawa
Production cooperation: Kyodo Television
Produced by: Kantele

“Snowdrop’s First Love” Official Website

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