Awich writes new theme song for Netflix series “Very Evil Queen” starring Yuriyan Retriever

■Trailer for “Evil Queen” featuring theme song by Awich released!

Awich has written the theme song for the Netflix series “Evil Queen,” starring Yuriyan Retriever.

Awich and Yuriyan Retriever are known to have a close friendship, with Yuriyan participating in Awich’s song “Bad Bitch Bigaku Remix” released in 2023, and the two even having a regular radio program together for a limited time on J-WAVE.

The Netflix series “Very Evil Queen,” which will be released on September 19th, depicts the ins and outs of the industry, centering on Dump Matsumoto, the iconic villain of the women’s professional wrestling boom of the 1970s and 1980s. It is a semi-autobiographical coming-of-age story of Dump Matsumoto, a mother-loving girl who competes with her peers and searches for her way in life while dealing with various worries, big and small. It is also a refreshing empowerment drama that depicts women who fight to gain freedom by becoming stronger in a male-dominated society.

The theme song “Are you serious?” written by Awich resonates with Dump Matsumoto, played by Yuriyan, who is fighting to gain freedom, and the female wrestlers, and Awich’s powerful lyrics and powerful singing voice, who continues to fight in the music scene. It is a long-awaited song that is typical of Awich, not only links to the content of the drama, but also questions the media that deals with gossip and scandals in recent years and the society that surrounds them.

In addition, the shocking visual that will be the main art for “Very Evil Queen” has been released along with the main trailer. Ahead of “Very Evil Queen” which will be exclusively distributed worldwide on Netflix from September 19th, Awich “Are you serious?” will start distribution on September 11th.

Release Information

2024.09.11 ON SALE
DIGITAL SINGLE“Are you serious?”

“Very Evil Queen” program site


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