Scene cuts showing the bond between the team in the movie “Grand Maison Paris” starring Kimura Takuya have been released all at once

■A total of 15 cuts that convey the atmosphere of the Grand Maison Paris team members, including Takuya Kimura, new cast members Ok Taecyeon (2PM), Ryosuke Masakado (Ae! group), and others

A number of scene cuts have been released from the film version of “Grand Maison Paris” (to be released in winter 2024), a hit drama starring Kimura Takuya.

The 15 scenes released this time show the bond between the members of Team Grand Maison as they come together to take on the world, despite repeated conflicts in their challenges in foreign lands, with the goal of “pushing open the door to three stars with everyone’s strength.”

The photo features familiar members from the drama, such as chef Obana (Kimura), who is cooking with a serious expression, his fellow chef Michiko (Suzuki), hall manager Kyono (Sawamura), chef Aizawa (Oikawa), and food influencer Linda (Tominaga), as well as the Grand Maison Paris team, made up of pastry chef Yuan (Taecyeon) and apprentice Kogure (Masamon), who joined the team from the movie.

There are plenty of intriguing scenes, such as Obana and Rinko discussing their ideas for dishes over meat, Kogure standing nervously opposite Obana holding a knife, the team chatting happily with the hall staff, and a cut where Obana and Rinko face each other with an air of something not quite right, foreshadowing suspenseful developments.

The Eiffel Tower in the background and the multinational staff working together give a sense of the worldwide scale of the place.

Movie Information

“Grand Maison Paris”
Winter 2024: Toho cinemas nationwide

Cast: Takuya Kimura, Kyoka Suzuki, Ok Taecyeon, Ryosuke Shomen (Ae! group), Yuta Tamamori (Kis-My-Ft2), Kanichiro, Ayako Yoshitani, Anne Nakamura, Ai Tominaga, Mitsuhiro Oikawa, Ikki Sawamura, and others
Director: Ayuko Tsukahara
Screenplay: Tsutomu Kuroiwa
Distributor: Toho, Sony Pictures Entertainment
(C) 2024 “Grand Maison Paris” Film Production Committee

Movie “Grand Maison Paris” website

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