SKE48’s Ruka Inoue releases swimsuit and lingerie cuts from her first photobook! This is the first time she’s been photographed in lingerie

■Photos of him and his beloved dog, Ruru-chan, also released

Swimsuit and lingerie cuts have been released from SKE48 Inoue Ruka’s first photo book (title undecided/on sale November 13th).

This will be the first photobook release among the 8th generation members who will celebrate their 8th anniversary in 2024, and was shot on location in Inoue’s hometown, Kumamoto Prefecture. Inoue loves her hometown so much that she even uses the name of her hometown in her catchphrase, “I’m from Kumamoto, the Land of Fire!” In order to capture her natural side, the two-night, three-day shoot traveled across Kumamoto Prefecture, touring places that are associated with her.

The theme of this film is “Growing up in Nagoya, returning to Kumamoto to spend a brief moment with a childhood friend who has now grown up.” Filming took place in the magnificent natural surroundings of the mountains and rivers of Aso, the streets of her hometown, Sisui, where she nurtured her dream of becoming an idol, her elementary school, and Amakusa, with its beautiful emerald-colored sea.

From the photobook, new shots have arrived of Inoue in swimsuits and lingerie. The shots, which show Inoue with cute braids enjoying the great outdoors in a T-shirt and shorts, were already released in June, and drew a great response of “how cute.” It turns out that Inoue had actually changed into a swimsuit for the location shoot at the river. The shots show Inoue having a blast enjoying the shoot while soaking up negative ions in the great outdoors.

She also took on the challenge of a lingerie shoot for the first time in her life. During the lingerie shoot, she was full of energy, jumping around on the bed and wrapping herself up in the futon with a big smile on her face, but halfway through the shoot, she suddenly showed a startling, mature look, surprising the staff on set. The lingerie shots we received this time are photos that allow you to experience the mature expressiveness that blossomed during the shoot.

However, the swimsuit and lingerie shots are not the only highlights of this work. Another point of interest is the photos of Inoue playing with her beloved dog Ruru-chan, who supports her as a family member and best friend. “If I were to release a photo book, I definitely want to appear with Ruru-chan.” Apparently, appearing together with Ruru-chan was one of her fervent wishes when publishing the book. The shoot took place in the local park where she was born and raised. This work, in which she appears with her beloved dog in a place that is familiar and full of memories from her childhood, is sure to give the impression that it is “an important work filled with Inoue Ruka’s dreams.”

This is a memorable volume that condenses the image of 23-year-old “Ruru-chan” in her truest form, as well as her past, present, and future. Fans should definitely check it out.

A special pre-order event will be held on September 28th at Hoshino Bookstore Kintetsu Passe in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture to commemorate the release of the photobook. On the day, attendees will be handed postcards by the artist himself, and depending on the ticket type, two-shot cheki photos and A3 posters with limited designs will also be available. The special pre-order event that was scheduled to be held on August 31st at Shosen Book Tower in Tokyo has been canceled due to the approach of Typhoon No. 10, out of consideration for the safety of visitors and the impact on transportation. The rescheduled date for the event will be announced at a later date on the photobook’s official website.

PHOTO BY Kazunori Fujimoto

Event Information

SKE48 Inoue Ruka 1st Photobook Release Commemoration “Reservation Event”
09/28 (Sat) Aichi Hoshino Bookstore Kintetsu Passe Store

Book Information

ON SALE 2024.11.13
SKE48 Inoue Ruka 1st Photobook “Title Undecided”

Release Information

2024.10.02 ON SALE
SINGLE“Confession Heart Rate”

Ruka Inoue OFFICIAL X (formerly Twitter)

SKE48 Inoue Ruka 1st Photo Book OFFICIAL X (formerly Twitter)


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