THE RAMPAGE takes on improvisational skits with popular comedians! New program “STAGE RAMPAGE” to be broadcast

■ “It was fun 3: it was difficult 7 (laughs). My personal MVP is Takkun (Goto Takuma) (laughs)” (Jin)

THE RAMPAGE’s new show “STAGE RAMPAGE”, which challenges new horizons, will begin airing on ABC TV on October 5th. The first episode will feature Teruyuki Tsuchida as the MC, with the 16 members split into six teams and teaming up with talented comedians to take on “improvisational comedy”.

THE RAMPAGE celebrates its 10th anniversary on September 12th and is active in various fields. In the first hour-long special episode of the new program “STAGE RAMPAGE,” which starts at this turning point, comedians who are good at comedy skits will take on the challenge of improvising a skit in a unique situation thought up by them, without knowing the script, the setting, or even who the comedians who will be teaming up with them are.

Even the veteran Tsuchida said, “I can’t imagine doing an improvised skit! Even if two comedians were to do it together, it would be a very high hurdle.” It’s a completely improvised show that is truly impossible. How will THE RAMPAGE get through this challenge?

THE RAMPAGE’s team allocation is as follows:
Shohei Team (Shohei Urakawa, RIKU, Kenta Kamiya)
Yamaaki Team (Shogo Yamamoto Ryu)
Itsuki Team (Itsuki Fujiwara, Shin Hasegawa, Hokuto Yoshino)
Rui Team (Yonamine Rui, Goto Takuma, Iwatani Shogo)
Kaisei Team (Kaisei Takechi, Takahide Suzuki, Kazuma Kawamura)
Jin Team (Jin LIKIYA)

The members, clad in tracksuits, came onto the stage without being informed of the setting, script, or co-stars. When Goto Takuma expressed his true feelings by saying, “It’s crazy… This is the biggest crisis of my life!”, Hasegawa Shin replied with a grin, “I’m so nervous… But I don’t understand anything, so I’m looking forward to it.”

Afterwards, on the stage, each of them is feeling a mixture of nervousness and anticipation, and they meet for the first time with talented comedians who are good at comedy sketches, such as Kamomentaru, Yadan, Love Letters, and Parpar. Then, they are dressed in the “costumes” and “headgear” prepared by the comedians…

Will there be anyone who can make the comedians flustered with their improvisational skits, impress the MC Tsuchida with their ad-libs, and show off their unexpected dynamism? Don’t miss the first special episode of “STAGE RAMPAGE,” where THE RAMPAGE’s new charms will explode.

Regular episodes will be broadcast every Saturday from 1:00 am starting October 12th. In the regular broadcasts, they will not only perform skits but also various “improvisational variety” shows.

■Comments from each team leader of THE RAMPAGE
◇Shohei Urakawa
I’d never seen or heard of doing an impromptu skit with a comedian before, so it was a valuable experience, and it was a lot of fun! My partner was a veteran comedian, so I had a mysterious confidence that he would be able to handle it even if I got out of control, but he ended the skit with such a great summary that I was really impressed by how amazing comedians are. You’ll get to see sides of the members that you don’t see in regular group activities, and I think our team is a “must-have for laughs,” so don’t forget to warm up with your abdominal exercises!

◇Shogo Yamamoto
I was nervous because it was all improvisation… But the comedian guided me with his eyes and movements, and I managed to express myself!! When it was over, I felt it was fun, and even thought about what I could have done differently. I was really happy because the comedian I worked with was someone I’d seen before!! But I still can’t believe I got to stand on the same stage as him. I hope you’ll look at our challenge with a kind heart!

◇Fujiwara Itsuki
It was difficult because we didn’t have any meetings and we didn’t know what to do, but it was fun! I was very happy because I always saw the comedians we did skits with on TV, but I felt more pressure and was nervous… From start to finish, I think you’ll see a side of THE RAMPAGE you’ve never seen before! I hope that this show will be one where we can show new sides of ourselves in the future!

◇Yonamine Rui
I love comedy sketches, so it was a lot of fun, and since it was all ad-lib, I was able to enjoy the “liveness” of the moment! The comedian I worked with was really energetic, so I tried my best to hang on so I wouldn’t get left behind (laughs). I usually watch his comedy sketches, so I’m very grateful to have been able to do a sketch with him! I think you’ll see a different side of him from the usual Rampage noisy atmosphere on the show, so I’m looking forward to discovering new things about myself and having fun. I’ll do my best to make everyone laugh!

◇Kaisei Takechi
It was very difficult, and it only felt like an instant, so now I realize I was really nervous! I can’t just do a skit out of nowhere like that again (laughs)! I’ve always seen the comedians on TV, so I was a bit perplexed, thinking, “Wow! That’s amazing!” and “What? We’re going to be there?”, but they always talked to us before our performance and helped ease our tension, which was really helpful! I think each member was prepared to do the skit (laughs). It’s a show with a lot of tears, laughter, and surprises, so I hope you enjoy it! I’m sure there will be more surprises in the future, but we’ll continue to do our best with a strong determination!

3 was fun, 7 was difficult (laughs). It was my first time doing a skit, but I love comedy, so it was very difficult to improvise with the comedians and see each other’s reactions! I had originally seen the drama written by the comedians I worked with this time, and their skits are also great, so I was very relieved when I heard that I would be working with them! It’s my first time, so I hope you will be kind and supportive! My personal MVP is Takkun (Goto Takuma) (laughs).

■Comment from Akiyuki Tsuchida (MC)
I think it must be hard for both comedians and THE RAMPAGE to suddenly meet on the day and do a skit. When I was asked to be the MC, I thought “Why me?”, and I still think “Why me?” (laughs). There are 16 members in THE RAMPAGE, so people who are watching us for the first time on TV probably don’t know each of our personalities, but when we do something improvised, each of our “personalities” come out, so if you can see that, I think it’s very interesting!

■ Kamomentaru Comment
◇Iwasaki Udai
I think it turned out pretty well. My adrenaline was pumping and I feel great right now! I thought that it would be more fun for them to do the skits if I made some unreasonable requests. So if there’s a next time, I’d like to make some unreasonable requests again! Since there really was no prior discussion with the members, I think you’ll see a different look on their faces than you usually see! And everyone’s performance was really amazing! Please look forward to it!

◇Yusuke Makio
It was fun! I think a good synergy was created between Kamomentaru and the members of THE RAMPAGE. If there is a next time, I think it would be better if they go in knowing each other and becoming friends! On the other hand, I think it’s amazing that we were able to get this far this time, even though we were meeting each other for the first time (laughs). The parts that go well, the parts that fail, and the parts where they help each other and work together to create something are all worth watching.

■Love Letters Comments
I wonder how the members felt when they went home after the recording. It would be great if they were to have a debriefing session at a bar like comedians do, saying things like “I could have done that scene better,” but I don’t think they need to do that at all (laughs). Everyone in THE RAMPAGE is cool and slender, but on this show there are many moments when they appear completely different from their usual selves, so I hope all fans will be prepared and watch with kindness and without anger!

■ Parpar Comments
I was very nervous… It was as nerve-wracking as a comedy awards race. We usually only do skits with just the two of us, so it was very refreshing, and at the same time, I was surprised at how well THE RAMPAGE was able to adapt. First of all, I was very worried about whether the members knew about Parpar, so I tried to think of a setting that was as easy to understand as possible, but I think I may have pushed everyone too hard during the actual show… But I think that in return, you’ll be able to see a new side of THE RAMPAGE on this show (laughs). Just when you thought the comedians would skillfully lead THE RAMPAGE in the skits, THE RAMPAGE pulled them along, and many wonderful skits were born! Please take a look!

(C)ABC Television

Program Information

First special program: 10/05 (Sat) 24:30-25:30
Regular: Every Saturday from 10/12 (Sat) 25:00-25:30
*After the broadcast, catch-up streaming will be available on TVer and ABEMA

THE RAMPAGE (LIKIYA, Jin, RIKU, Kenta Kamiya, Rui Yonamine, Shogo Yamamoto, Kazuma Kawamura, Hokuto Yoshino, Shogo Iwatani, Shohei Urakawa, Itsuki Fujiwara, Kaisei Takechi, Shin Hasegawa, Ryu, Takahide Suzuki, Takuma Goto
Teruyuki Tsuchida (MC)
Kamomentaru (Udai Iwasaki, Yusuke Makio), Love Letters (Naoki Tsukamoto, Yutaro Tamekuchi), Yadan (Long Size Ito, Kid Honma, Toru Nakajima), Parpar (Hoshino Disco, Ainapuu)


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