Takahashi Yu releases the theme song for “Oha!4 NEWS LIVE” “Genka no Katsusai” digitally and releases the music video

■ “I hope this song will become a sing-along that celebrates the little fine plays that are buried in our daily lives.” (Yu Takahashi)

Yu Takahashi will release his new song “Genka no Kakusai” on September 11th, which will be aired as the theme song for Nippon Television’s “Oha!4 NEWS LIVE” from April 2024. The music video for the song has also been released.

“Genka no Kakusai” is a new song written by Yu Takahashi for the theme song of Nippon Television’s “Oha!4 NEWS LIVE” and is his first new song in six months. Yu Takahashi’s straightforward lyrics and the sound that naturally overflows with energy are impressive, making it an encouraging song that will encourage everyone who is working hard every day.

The music video is a heartwarming tribute to the people who strive to improve themselves every day despite struggling with the common communication issues between superiors and subordinates that are common in modern society.

Also, a character from “Tomorrow Will Surely Be a Good Day” reappears after nine years, so keep an eye out for overlapping stories.

■ Comment from Yu Takahashi
For example, even when you don’t want to get up in the morning, you rub your eyes and get ready, or when someone says something annoying to you, you smile and respond without getting angry. In fact, our daily lives are a series of small, fine plays like that. However, there is no one to praise us for these, and in fact, we are tormented by the obsession that if we don’t achieve something more impressive that will appeal to everyone, then there is no point in our daily lives. But what if there was a commentator who was enthusiastic about your small, fine plays in your daily life and a large audience who gave them generous cheers? Just imagine that, and your everyday life will seem a little more humorous.
Even though there are many wonderful people in the world, please don’t forget to praise yourself first. Breathing in, breathing out, and living in the present is what makes you strong. I would like to give a generous round of applause to you who are living these days. With this in mind, I wrote a song called “Genka no Kakusho (Applause in the Present)”. I hope that it will become a sing-along song that praises the small fine plays that are buried in our daily lives.

Release Information

2024.09.11 ON SALE
DIGITAL SINGLE “Current Applause”


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