Miori Takimoto x Yuta Tamamori x Taisuke Fujigaya x Hikaru Yaotome! First broadcast of the drama “You’re Beautiful” has been decided

■The first broadcast of “Gachi Baka!” starring Tegoshi Yuya, Masuda Takahisa and others has also been announced!

TBS is currently streaming over 50 classic drama titles for free for a limited time on TVer and TBS FREE for about two months under the title “TBS DRAMA Autumn Collection.”

It has now been decided that two new works will be available for streaming for the first time: “Gachibaka!” (2006) and “You’re Beautiful” (2011).

“You’re Beautiful” is a remake of the 2009 Korean drama starring Miori Takimoto, Yuta Tamamori, Taisuke Fujigaya, and Hikaru Yaotome, which has become a hot topic in other countries. Yuta Tamamori, who will appear in the new Tuesday drama “I Want to Hit That Scum” that will start in October, made his major debut as Kis-My-Ft2 with the theme song “Everybody Go” for this drama. “You’re Beautiful” will be available for streaming from 6pm on September 11th.

On the other hand, “Gachibaka!” is a school drama that will begin streaming on September 13th. The lead actor, Katsunori Takahashi, takes on the role of a teacher for the first time, and faces off against students with unique personalities, played by Yuya Tegoshi and Takahisa Masuda.

“You’re Beautiful” distribution page

TVer special page

TBS FREE special page

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