Perfect One’s new TV commercial released, featuring Nakajima Kento playing the dual roles of “White Kenty” and “Black Kenty”

■ “I think I’ll go with ‘Thank You of Natural’ in my 30s (lol)” (Nakajima Kento)

The new Perfect One TV commercial starring Nakajima Kento, “Two Kenties” (15 seconds and 30 seconds), will be broadcast nationwide from September 13th.

Nakajima Kento has been the image character for “Perfect One” since 2020. This TV commercial, his seventh since his first appearance, is aimed at women in their 40s who are busy with housework, childcare, and work and find it difficult to devote time to skin care, and Nakajima conveys the appeal of “Perfect One” from both a “white world view” and a “black world view.”

Nakajima was very enthusiastic about his first TV commercial for “Perfect One” since turning 30. He has played a variety of roles in the past, including a photographer, pianist, and saxophone player, but in this film he plays two different roles, “White Kenty” and “Black Kenty.” Watch out for Nakajima’s passionate performance as he takes on two roles, whispering gently in a sweet yet cool tone.

■ Concept and highlights of the new TV commercial
This TV commercial conveys the appeal of “Perfect One” to women in their 40s who, due to the high burden of having to prioritize housework and childcare at home and putting their own needs on the back burner, as well as the fact that they are entrusted with important responsibilities at work, are concerned about changes in their skin but find it difficult to devote enough money and time to skin care.

Nakajima Kento, who plays the dual roles of “White Kenty” and “Black Kenty,” sends a message to women in their 40s who are busy but still manage to make ends meet. Nakajima conveys the appeal of the products, “Whitening Gel” and “Whitening Serum,” which are cosmetics for preventing blemishes, in a “white worldview” just like the body of the cosmetics, and “Lifting Gel,” which is cosmetics for firming, in a “black worldview.”

Pay attention to the two Nakajimas as they speak in gentle and sweet tones in “White” and cool tones in “Black,” explaining that choosing “Perfect One” is not just a “time-saving item” that can cut down on time, but is a clever choice when it comes to skin care.

[Filming episode]
■In the seventh “Perfect One” TV commercial, she appears with blonde hair for the first time!
Nakajima arrived at the set of the “Perfect One” commercial, the seventh since the first in 2020, and while exchanging greetings with those involved, he expressed his gratitude in a tone that sounded like a manager, saying, “The seventh one… It’s been four years since then, I’m really grateful. My Nakajima is happy (laughs),” drawing laughter from those around him, before stepping in front of the camera.

When Nakajima saw the art set with its clearly separated black and white, he said, “This set is so cool!” and approached the filming with high excitement.

■ The combination of the “white world” and the “perfect gold” blonde hair makes me grin
Nakajima began filming in a “white world” and expressed surprise at her different appearance from the previous six films, saying, “This is the first time I’ve been blonde in a “Perfect One” commercial. It’s also my first time filming in “Perfect One” Perfect Gold (laughs).”

Nakajima, who was conscious of the direction’s concept being “simplicity,” said, “I’m going to change the character a little,” and decided on the direction of her acting, including her sweet way of speaking. She smiled and said, “Blonde hair, white costume, white background…I know I say it myself, but it’s the best.”

■What Nakajima found refreshing was…his black hair and chic outfit?
After finishing the filming in the “white world,” he changed into a black outfit and black hair to start filming in the “black world.” While being conscious of the “white Kenty” he had been playing until a few minutes ago being next to him, he fully transformed into the cool character of “black Kenty.” As he checked the footage on the monitor, he was curious about his own appearance, saying, “I’ve been wearing blonde hair a lot recently, so black feels like the other,” and rather seemed to find the chic fashion of his black hair and outfit refreshing.

■ The timing of the black and white performances, which were performed at different times, was perfectly synchronized! The “miraculous performance” caused a stir
In the scene where he walks slowly and sits down on the sofa, the timing matched perfectly when the black and white footage of Nakajima’s separate performances were combined in a test shot that doubled as a rehearsal, drawing gasps of surprise. “It’s a miracle,” said the staff, who were wide-eyed. Nakajima himself was also surprised, saying, “Is this even possible? That’s crazy!” and jokingly added, “Director, isn’t it OK now? (laughs).” However, the timing was deliberately shifted and the scene was reshot to make the movement look more natural.

■ Interview with Nakajima Kento
Q. Please tell us how you felt about taking on the dual roles of “White Kenty” and “Black Kenty” in the filming of the new TV commercial.
Nakajima: I had a lot of fun showing the difference in expression between black and white, so I think it’s a commercial for “Perfect One” that has never been seen before. I tried to make the white look as sweet as possible, and the black look as cool as possible.

Q. Which character do you prefer, “White Kenty” or “Black Kenty”?
Nakajima: …”Grey” (laughs). I can’t decide… I can’t decide (laughs). Both of my photos were beautifully taken, so I couldn’t decide which one I liked best (laughs).

Q. If you had another version of yourself, what would you like to be?
Nakajima: Recently, I have a lot of friends around me who are building up a lot of muscle. They always talk about martial arts, so I want to become even more muscular and join in the conversation.

Q. In this film you play two roles with different hair colors, black hair and blonde. Which do you prefer, Nakajima-san?
Nakajima: I’ve been blonde lately… A lot of people have told me it suits me, so blonde is my latest trend. It’s not a hair color, but I’d like to try long permed hair at least once. I don’t have long hair (until now). So I’m a bit curious to try it… What do you think? It depends on whether it suits you or not. I’d like to give it a try (laughs).

Q. This is your first “Perfect One” commercial since turning 30. How did you feel when you went into the shoot?
Nakajima: I was really grateful. Because it’s a commercial for “Perfect One” where a lot of my history has been seen. I’ve grown a lot with “Perfect One”, so I really took on today’s shoot with a feeling of gratitude once again at the turning point of my 30th birthday.

Q. What is the charm of Nakajima-san in his 30s that is different from when he was in his 20s?
Nakajima:”Natural”…maybe. I want to be as natural as possible. Whether I’m working, making something, or hanging out with friends…I want to be natural in all of it. I’m trying to keep that in mind as I try to live in my 30s. I think I’ll go with “Thank You of Natural” (laughs).

Q. How would you like women in their 40s to use Perfect One?
Nakajima: When you hear “Perfect One,” you probably think of it as a “time-saving item” that can help you save time on your busy skincare routine, but if you change your perspective a bit, you can think of it as a “time-saving item” that can save you time and create more time for the things you want to do. So, I hope you’ll use it to create more productive time.

Q. Like your simple “Perfect One” which combines lotion, milk, serum, etc. into one, is there anything you try to keep simple? Please tell us.
Nakajima: Whether I’m going to work or just going out, I’ve started choosing really simple clothes recently, and I try to wear clothes that I can go out in without thinking too much. (Before) I was always wearing chains, all jingly (laughs). Now I don’t wear chains at all, and I like jersey fashion these days, like tank tops, jerseys, and sweatshirts. I think jerseys can go to a lot of different places, so I’ve been into coordinating jerseys and denim lately.

Q. Please give a message to viewers who will watch the new TV commercial.
Nakajima: This commercial recommends three “Perfect One” products as skin care for people in their 40s and above. It’s the first time we’ve done a cool black and white commercial, and it’s also the first “Perfect One” commercial I’ve filmed since turning 30. Please take a look at my new charms as a 30-year-old.

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