SixTONES’ Tanaka Juri teams up with Tenjiku Nezumi’s Kawahara Katsumi! Special program “Golden Tag” to air for two consecutive weeks

■ “(Tenjiku Nezumi’s Kawahara Katsumi) is a crazy person…! He’s on the edge of being a pervert, I guess” (SixTONES’ Tanaka Itsuki)

SixTONES’ Tanaka Juri will be appearing on the nationwide special program “Golden Tag” on Yomiuri TV and Nippon TV.

There have been many “golden tag” pairs in the history of television, including comedians and idols, rivals with long histories, sharp-tongued duos, and duos with an age gap. This program will unearth new “golden tag” pairs in the entertainment industry, combining unknown duos who may shine in the world of television tomorrow.

The MCs are Shitara Osamu (Bananaman), who is active in a wide range of genres thanks to his humorous tsukkomi, conversation skills, and insight, and Horan Chiaki, who is popular with a wide range of people, both young and old. Yoshimura Takashi (Heisei Nobushi Kobushi) and Mukai Satoshi (Panther) will take turns as golden producers each week, presenting duos and location situations that they feel could become a “golden tag.” Based on the content and location footage, the two MCs and studio guests will judge whether they were able to discover a “golden tag.”

The contestants this time are 4 groups of 8 people, including SixTONES’ Tanaka Juri. They will be aiming for the “Golden Tag” in the two consecutive weeks of broadcasts.

The four groups, four different location videos, and the (possibly) birth of a new “golden tag team” will be broadcast nationwide on Yomiuri TV and Nippon TV on September 19th and 26th, starting at 11:59pm for two consecutive weeks. The show will also be available on TVer immediately after the broadcast.

■ Cast interviews
“Will a golden tag team between a super idol and a unique comedian be born?!”
[Tanaka Juri (SixTONES) x Kawahara Katsumi (Tenjiku Nezumi) tag team]
Q. How was it working with Kawahara-san?
Tanaka : He’s a crazy guy…! But I worked hard to become the “golden tag team.” Usually, I’m up against the five members of SixTONES, and the fans say, “Itsuki is amazing, it must be tough.” But it was twice as hard, like ten people’s worth of hard work. There’s a fine line between genius and pervert, isn’t there? I guess I’m the “pervert on the edge” of the two sides of the same coin.

Q. How was it working with Mr. Tanaka?
Riverside : I think it was quite an impression. Just hearing the name leaves me with an impression. I only have a very strong impression. Are they filming this? What makes them a “golden tag” in the first place? I don’t really understand what a “golden tag” is.

“Will a golden tag team with an age gap as large as that of a grandfather and grandson be born?!”
[Masaki Hasegawa (Nishikigoi) x Yuno Nagao Tag Team]

Q. How was it working with Yuno-chan?
Hasegawa: Yuzuno-chan is polite and greets people properly, and has a mature side, but when the cameras aren’t rolling, she also has a childlike side, acting all excited. At first, I was nervous and anxious, but something happened that made us get closer. It really felt like the birth of a “golden tag team!”

Q. How was it working with Hasegawa-san?
Yuno : I love Hasegawa-san! Another fun summer vacation has been added. I like how he always tells funny jokes. He’s really funny. I think we’ve become a “golden tag team” with Hasegawa-san, and I’d love to work together again!

“Will a golden tag team that will be popular among children be born?!”
[Tags: Yoshio Itoi and Kyoko Hamaguchi]

Q. How was it working with Hamaguchi-san?
Itoi: We couldn’t have been more “golden tag”! At first, some of the children looked stiff, but I felt like they had melted into each other by the end. To be honest, I thought it was “golden tag” from the opening.

Q. How was it working with Itoi-san?
Hamaguchi: It was great! He’s the perfect match for me and the most like my father I’ve ever met! (laughs) He always supported me when I was in trouble or stopped, and he was such a wonderful person that I wondered, “Can there really be someone who is so compatible with me?” I wonder what it would be like if two athletes became kindergarten teachers? I think each one is very interesting if you watch it!

“Will a golden team of a Showa-era man and a Reiwa-era girl be born?!”
[Taggette: Yoshizumi Ishihara and Anna Murashige]

Q. How was it working with Murashige-san?
Ishihara : It was fun having Murashige-chan introduce me to new foods. We had a jolly time. I had only seen her on TV so I wondered what kind of girl she was, but she’s really reliable! It’s me who’s not reliable. But seriously, it was a fun trip. Please check it out! Everyone, look forward to it!

Q. How was it working with Ishihara-san?
Murashige: I think we are an unprecedented pair, but there were many things we understood. There were many things we didn’t understand, but I guess it’s just a generation thing, and that’s life. And I thought he was surprisingly innocent. In a bad way. (laughs) But I want to believe that we became the strongest tag team! Otherwise, I wonder what Murashige was so tired about. Thank you!

Program Information

Yomiuri TV/Nippon TV nationwide network“Golden Tag”
09/19 (Thu) 23:59-24:54
09/26 (Thu) 23:59-24:54
*Catch-up streaming available on TVer after broadcast

MC: Osamu Shitara (Bananaman) Chiaki Horan
1st week: Takashi Yoshimura (Heisei Nobushi Kobushi)
2nd week: Kei Mukai (Panther)

Hidetsugu Shibata (Untouchable) *2 weeks in a row
1st week: Nao Asahi
Week 2: Megumi Hata

Masaki Hasegawa (Nishikigoi) x Yuno Nagao
Tanaka Itsuki (SixTONES) x Kawahara Katsumi (Tenjiku Nezumi)
Yoshio Itoi x Kyoko Hamaguchi
Yoshizumi Ishihara x Anna Murashige

Program site

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