Non releases a peace shot of her close friendship with Momoclo Kanako Momota! “Momota-san took me in kindly, so I was able to talk comfortably and cheerfully.”

■The conversation between Non and Kanako Momota on E-Tele’s “Switch Interview” was also a big hit! “Please continue to do what you like and make us happy.”

Non updated the Ameba official blog on May 10th. She released two shots with Kanako Momota from Momoiro Clover Z.

On this day, they updated their blog with the title “I want to hear what blue is for everyone,” and announced the program in which the two would appear, “The second part of the Switch interview will be broadcast on E-Tele from 9:30 p.m.”

This is their first collaboration since the “7th Momoiro Uta Gassen” hosted by Momoiro Clover Z, which was held on New Year’s Eve 2023, and the conversation in “Switch Interview” between Non and Momota, who profess to be fans, became a hot topic. I’m calling.

Looking back on the conversation, Non said, “This time, the interview was switched from Momota-san to Non. Momota-san took me kindly, so I was able to speak comfortably and cheerfully. It was a lot of fun.” Released 2 shots and solo off shots.

At the end, he encouraged people to “please watch it,” and concluded the blog by saying, “There will be a surprise from Non after the broadcast ends. We’ll let you know on X and Instagram, so please check it out!”

A fan commented on this post

“I’ve been looking forward to it.”
“It was really great.”
“I hope the day will come when I can call you Kanako instead of Momota-san.”
“The conversation with Mr. Momota was really good.”
“Please continue to run sharply across the wide, blue ocean.”
“It was wonderful.”
“Please continue to do what you like and make us happy.”

We have received comments such as:

Non official blog Powered by Ameba: Article title: “I want to hear what blue is for everyone”


Momoiro Clover Z OFFICIAL SITE

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