■JO1’s Sato Keigo and Katori Shingo also appear in the magazine!
WILD BLUE will appear on the front and back covers of the special edition of the November issue of “JUNON” (on sale September 21st).
The boy band WILD BLUE, who debuted on September 6th, makes their first appearance. We take a look at their 100% fresh, natural selves.
■WILD BLUE Interview ※excerpt
The five of them share the same thoughts!? A lively discussion with the pointing of their fingers
Q. Who is the most clingy?
Yuki:“Let me think about it for a bit. I have two candidates (laughs).”
Hayate:“A spoiled brat…”
Yuto:“Did you decide? Ready, go!!”
(Naoya 2 votes, Hinata 2 votes, Koki 1 vote)
Yuto:“This is definitely Naoya.”
Hayate:“Yeah, he does have an attention-seeking side (laughs). Speaking of which, Hinata is the type who is totally comfortable being alone.”
Yang:“Yeah, I’m fine (laughs).”
Naoya:“I had a feeling this would be chosen…”
Hayate:“She’s so cute and attention-grabbing.”
Naoya:“I bet he’s getting annoyed… (laughs)”
Hayate:“She’s cute. But what’s funny is that she’s the tallest (laughs).”
Yuki:“I guess Naoya and I chose Hinata. Hinata has a soft speaking voice, so everything he says sounds cute.”
Naoya:“I know what you mean. It sounds like a little kid talking!”
Yuki:“But after listening to it just now, I’m starting to think it’s Naoya. So I guess it’s Naoya after all (laughs).”
Yang:“I also chose Koki-kun, but I ended up choosing Naoya (laughs).”
Naoya:“Everyone is voting for me. But I understand, I’m voting for myself too.”
Yuto:“So for spoiled brat, Naoya got 5 votes (laughs).”
■JO1 Sato Keigo
Keigo Sato of JO1, who will be running through the second half of the year with the release of a new song and a tour, will appear. Sato, the “beauty” of JO1, will explain the parts.
■ Interview with Keigo Sato ※excerpt
Eyes, nose, mouth… If we were to decide on a winner in JO1…
This is a project to focus on my face and body. All the members of JO1 have beautiful faces and bodies, so I did my best as a representative (laughs). I get to decide the winners of each body part category… that’s interesting! This is just my personal opinion, so please bear that in mind (laughs). First of all, the eyes. This is definitely (Kawanishi) Takumi. I like slanted eyes. In that case, there’s also (Kono) Junki, but I think Takumi has the strongest eyes and powerful eyes. A lot of people have beautiful noses. Hmm, (Kimata) Shoya. Because he’s slender and smart even when seen from the side. As for the mouth… that’s difficult (laughs). But I’ll go with Ohira Shosei, who looks like he takes care of his lips. If it were ears, it would be Mame (Mamehara Issei). They have lucky ears, which are said to bring good fortune. He’s a member who has a positive influence on JO1, so the winner of the category would be Mame. As for hands, (Yonashiro) Shou. They’re just big, and have the grip strength to crush an apple. He’s almost as big as a gorilla now (laughs). His arms are thick and well-balanced.
■ Shingo Katori
Katori Shingo talks about his deep relationship with music.
■ Interview with Shingo Katori ※excerpt
TikTok suddenly went viral and people were like, “What’s going on?!”
The people I dance to on TikTok and stuff really only watch it once and dance once (laughs). Everyone says it’s amazing, but I don’t even get the choreography right, I just do it with the vibe (laughs). The staff chooses which song to dance to. It’s like, “This is it now! This is it for Katori Shingo!” (laughs). Then, a video of me dancing to the song “I wonder” by the Da-iCE members was played a lot, and they commented, “Thank you for dancing!”, and I was like, “What’s going on!?” When something suddenly goes viral, I thought it would be bad if it got bigger and bigger without my knowledge, so I’ve started getting the staff to teach me properly recently (laughs).
The video where I danced with Kusanagi (the official spelling of “Nagi” is the old character for bow + sword) is likely to have been viewed about 15 million times now, which is quite an incredible number, right? When I collaborated with Kusanagi on YouTube, the staff said to me, “It would be great if you two could dance together.” Kusanagi is no different from me, so I had to be careful because one video of me dancing like, “Show me the video, OK, spin,” turned out like that (laughs).
The November issue of “JUNON” will be published in two formats, with different cover art and supplements. The regular version will come with a double-sided cardboard pinup with photos of Bullet Train and Takuya Sugimoto printed on each side. The special edition, which will be released at the same time, will come with a pinup with a handwritten message from WILD BLUE.
*Main photo: Cover of the November special edition of “JUNON”
Book Information
2024.09.21 ON SALE
“JUNON” November 2024 issue
“JUNON” official website

“JUNON” November issue regular edition cover