Porno Graffitti’s Haruichi Shindo’s art book “ESECAN x Haruichi Shindo” to be released

■ A collaborative production with ESECAN, a creative team led by members who were in charge of hair and makeup for Porno Graffitti shortly after their debut.

The art book “ESECAN x Shindo Haruichi”, co-produced by Porno Graffitti’s Shindo Haruichi and the creative team ESECAN, is scheduled to be released on December 25th.

The book focuses not only on Shindo Haruichi as the guitarist of Porno Graffitti, but also on him as an individual. Under the direction of the creative group ESECAN, the photographs capture his various expressions and tell a deeper story, leaving a different impression from previous volumes.

In addition to being the subject of the book, Shindo’s words are also included in each scene, incorporating his side as a lyricist, making this a special art book that is a collective of creative minds.

The name “ESECAN” comes from the Uwajima dialect, which means a joker or an attention seeker, which the members are familiar with. The members are Yasuto Nakazawa, the founder of ESECAN, who creates in a wide range of fields from hair designer to apparel creative director, Kazutaka Nakamura, a photographer who went to London alone in the late 1980s and released black and white works, and has since worked on numerous magazines, advertisements, and photo books for celebrities, and Koji Matsuo, a designer who designs for brands and companies based on typography. As the ESECAN project, they have been active mainly in the creative fields of fashion and beauty.

Nakazawa was in charge of hair and makeup for Porno Graffitti shortly after their debut, and has maintained a close friendship with Shindo to this day. This work was realized at the turning point of Porno Graffitti’s 25th debut anniversary and Shindo’s 50th birthday, due to Nakazawa’s strong desire to “create something with Haruichi, who I’ve seen since their debut.”

The art book “ESECAN x Shindo Haruichi” is scheduled to be sold at the artist online shop “A!SMART” as well as at some bookstores.

Book Information

ON SALE 2024.12.25
“ESECAN x Haruichi Shindo”

For details on the art book “ESECAN x Haruichi Shindo,” click here

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Porno Graffitti OFFICIAL SITE

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