A variety show in which Taichi Kokubun, Yoshihiko Inohara, and Chihara Junior experience youth culture will be broadcast

■Travis Japan’s Kaito Nakamura and Kaito Matsukura make a surprise appearance to teach TikTok!

The variety show “Taichi, Inocchi and Junior’s Even at a Good Age,” starring Kokubun Taichi, Inohara Yoshihiko and Chihara Junior, will be broadcast on TBS from 10pm on October 3rd.

“Taichi, Inocchi and Junior’s Even at Their Grown-Up Ages” is a program in which Kokubun Taichi, Inohara Yoshihiko and Chihara Junior, who have a combined total of almost 100 years of experience in the entertainment industry, try various things that are a little embarrassing but “even at their grown-ups.”

In order to keep an eye on youth culture, the first place the three visited was Takeshita Street in Harajuku, a place that has always been a center of youth culture.

Inohara said, “Maybe accepting various things will open new doors,” and Kokubun seemed to be interested in the current Takeshita Street, saying, “I think that the culture of the 90s and today are different.” The three were introduced to the latest print stickers by popular model Ankoro, also known as Yamamoto An, and Ankoro praised them, saying, “Their visuals are great!” and “They’re like the cool older men’s neighborhood.” However, the three could not hide their surprise at the word “neighborhood,” which they had never heard before.

In addition, Kaito Nakamura and Kaito Matsukura from Travis Japan suddenly joined the group to teach them how to use TikTok. What is the dance video of the three that Chihara Junior described as “giving it his all!” and “dancing without self-awareness”?

Q. How do you feel after finishing the location shoot for “Ii Oji Koite”?
Inohara:I was really looking forward to it. It had been a while since I did a show with Junior-san and Taichi-kun, but I was happy to instantly return to the atmosphere of that time. I hope this time will continue forever.
Kokubu: But I guess we’ve reached the age where people start saying we’re getting old (laughs).
Inohara: I might have complained 20 years ago, but I don’t feel like complaining now (laughs).
Junior: It was the first time I was ever told I was a cool older man… I wondered if it was someone from an older generation, but then I realized we were part of that generation too (laughs).

Q. What would you like to know about youth culture in the future?
Junior:In terms of culture, music and fashion. I also want to know more about food, as it’s probably completely different from ours.
Inohara:I’ve heard that when companies decide on the color of their products, they refer to the opinions of young girls! The pink that older men choose is different from the pink that young girls see. This time, I was really happy to be taught various things so kindly. Being taught creates respect, and I want to be taught honestly! I thought.
Kokubu: I’d like to learn a lot from you in the future. As representatives of “Even at a Good Age,” I hope that the three of us will show our good and bad sides and that the show will be one in which we can share various things with people of our generation!

■Comment from Director Tetsuya Tachizawa
The three of them, all in their 50s, have gathered together for the first time in a while, and as they interact with youth culture despite their advanced age, they show a side of themselves that we have never seen before on any of our shows. We hope you enjoy watching the laughs and surprises that only come from being older than you can expect, and seeing a new side of the three of them!

Program Information

TBS“Taichi, Inocchi, and Junior at Their Grown-Up Ages”
10/03 (Thu) 22:00-22:57
Cast: Taichi Kokubun, Yoshihiko Inohara, Chihara Junior
Corner guests: Kaito Nakamura, Kaito Matsukura (Travis Japan), Anne Yamamoto
Narrator: Yukinori Okuhata, Yumepote


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