■Tommy february6’s TikTok account opened in the US and Japan
During the global cultural and fashion boom of the early 2000s called “Y2K,” a TikTok user-created video using the Tommy February6 audio source exceeded 100 million views, mainly in the United States. It is attracting a lot of attention.
Tommy february6 is one of the solo projects by Tomoko Kawase, vocalist of the brilliant green. Started activities in 2001. It has a bright, pop, and feminine character setting. Their debut single was “EVERYDAY AT THE BUS STOP”.
On TikTok, many videos of women in their teens and 20s enjoying cosplay as Tommy February 6 to the sound of Tommy February 6’s “Lonely in Gorgeous” (released on November 30, 2005) have been posted since early 2024. . Foreign artists are also posting about Tommy February 6 on SNS one after another, and there is no shortage of topics to talk about.
Tommy February6’s TikTok account was opened on September 27th in the United States and Japan. The first post is the music video for the much-talked-about song “Lonely in Gorgeous.” “Lonely in Gorgeous” also became popular as the opening theme for the TV anime “Paradise Kiss” based on the manga artist Ai Yazawa.
As the Y2K boom continues, it will be interesting to see what kind of videos will be released on TikTok in the future.
@tommyfebruary_jpofficial Lonely in Gougeous / Tommy february6 #TommyFebruary #Tomoko Kawase#tommyfebruary #tommy february6 #lonlyingorgeous #paradisekiss#anime#Ai Yazawa #y2k #y2kfashion #fashion
Tommy february6 OFFICIAL TikTok
Tommy february6

“Lonely in Gorgeous” first edition jacket photo

“Lonely in Gorgeous” regular edition jacket photo