Kis-My-Ft2 Yuta Tamamori’s new commercial for “Labon” has been completed! Characters with adult sexiness

■”The atmosphere is quite different from the usual LaBon commercials, so people might be surprised.” (Kis-My-Ft2 Yuta Tamamori)

A new commercial for “Labon” starring Kis-My-Ft2’s Yuta Tamamori will be aired nationwide from October 1st.

“Labon” is a fabric care and fragrance brand that proposes a lifestyle where you can enjoy fragrance as much as you enjoy fashion. We offer a wide range of products, including fashionable detergents with the same scent as fabric softeners, fabric mist, room fragrances, and even car fragrances.

A story-based commercial series for “Labon” where you can see Tamamori full of “boyfriend vibes.” In the previous commercials, he had a kind and soft impression of the boyfriend, but this time he plays a character with an adult sex appeal.

■CM story
Tamamori prepares in a hotel room for a special date. I took the time to find the “best shirt” and put on and took off white shirts with different designs, creating a solo fashion show. Although I was having a lot of trouble deciding which one to choose, I thought about the precious time I had with my girlfriend, and in the end, I decided on the perfect one and was very satisfied. He goes out dashingly wearing a shirt that smells like Lavon.

■Photography episode
The setting for the commercial was a hotel suite. Tamamori arrived at the scene innocently, excited by the atmosphere and interior of the space and exclaiming, “Wow!” The theme of this shoot was adult sex appeal, and the costumes were dressy, but she smartly wore cuffs and tied a tie, showing off a different charm from previous LaBon commercials.

In the scene where he puts on and takes off a white shirt many times, the camera staff can’t help but get a glimpse of his trained body. In the last scene where he walks down the hotel hallway, he perfectly captures the excitement of going to meet his girlfriend while wearing the “best shirt” he finally found, and the movie goes off without a hitch.

■Yuta Tamamori Post-shooting interview
Q. This time, you played a more mature and sexy role, which is different from Labon’s previous commercials. Please tell us your impressions of the filming.
Up until now, I think I’ve had a softer impression, but this time I think it’s more mature, and I think it’s a very fresh and new commercial for the fans who always look forward to LaBon’s commercials. I think so.

Q. In the commercial, you were particular about the “almost minute” difference between your white shirts, but are there any particularities you have in real life that are difficult for others to understand?
I tend to buy items with slightly different shapes or fabrics, such as a white T-shirt or black pants, but I used to ask my mother, “Why do you buy the same pair of pants over and over again?” That’s what I was often told. At that time, I thought, “They’re not the same, they don’t understand…” (laughs) Now, I sometimes wonder if I’m paying attention to details that don’t really come through when I look at them at a glance. When it comes to things I like, I end up buying things that are a little different.

Q. The commercial depicts a scene where you prepare for a date, but is there anything you always do before a special event?
When it comes to special events, it’s definitely live performances. Live performances are the only time I get to meet fans face-to-face and spend time in the same space, so I put all my energy into being flexible, using my voice, and doing my makeup. The fans come with great enthusiasm for the 2-3 hour live performance, so I always prepare with the mindset of “Let’s have fun!” so as not to give in to them.

Q. Do you ever pay attention to the scent when you go out, like in this commercial?
I don’t wear perfume. I live my life with the smell of Lavon fabric softener on my clothes, so it’s a smell that comes naturally to me. So when our members use (Lavon fabric softener), you can tell right away. I think, “Oh, that smells good” (lol). After all, being surrounded by a nice scent makes you feel happy and boosts your confidence.

Q. Based on Labon’s catchphrase, “I’m in love today too. I’m in love.” Is there anything you’ve fallen in love with recently?
Lately, I’ve been training for a role, so I’ve been doing bench presses (lol). My goal is to see how heavy I can bench press each day. I’m addicted to chest training exercises and am doing them as hard as I can.

Q. Lastly, please give a message to everyone who will be watching this TV commercial.
The atmosphere is quite different from the usual Labon commercials, so people might be surprised. I would be happy if you could enjoy it while imagining things like, “Maybe I’ve become more mature through the process I’ve gone through so far!”

“Labon” official website


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