Sakurazaka46 members Fujiyoshi Natsuzu, Hagiwara Toshihisa, and Minami appear! First guest announcement for new drama “Monster” starring Shuri

■“When I read the script, I felt the weight of the words again.” (Sakurazaka46, Natsuru Fujiyoshi)

It has been announced that Toshihisa Hagiwara, Minami, and Natsuzu Fujiyoshi (Sakurazaka46) will appear as guests on the first broadcast on October 14th of the monthly drama “Monster” starring Shuri.

This work is about a mysterious monster lawyer, Ryoko Kannami, who is not bound by “common sense” and “excludes emotions” when dealing with clients. A unique legal entertainment where you face problems and fight court battles as if it were a game.

In the first episode, Ryoko (Shuri) suddenly decides to work as a lawyer and is in charge of the defense for the first time. She is accused of abetting suicide for driving her boyfriend Sae Kawano (Natsuzu Fujiyoshi) to commit suicide. Ryo Shioya. The defendant, Shioya, is a man with a rough side who has low self-esteem, says heartless words to his lover that may trigger suicide, and uses abusive language when his emotions get high, and there is absolutely no room for sympathy for him. is played by Toshihisa Hagiwara. On the other hand, Shioya’s lover Sae, who is said to have taken her own life due to Shioya’s words, will be played by Sakurazaka46 member Fujiyoshi Natsuzu. Sae, played by Fujiyoshi, is actually receiving counseling in secret from her lover, and Minami plays the counselor in charge. We have also received comments from Toshihisa Hagiwara, Natsuzu Fujiyoshi, and Minami regarding their appearance.

■ Toshihisa Hagiwara (Ryo Shioya) Comments
Q. What did you think when you read the script?
When I read the script, I honestly thought that the characters that appeared were interesting. I think there are a lot of legal works out there from the perspective of lawyers, but they don’t always depict justice in a straightforward manner. This is a drama that cannot be approached head-on. Regarding my role, there are a lot of parts that aren’t as clear-cut as black and white, so I thought it was interesting to play.

Q.What kind of person do you think the character Shioya is? Also, please let us know what you think of the role and what parts you were conscious of.
I think Shioya is a little childish in some ways, someone who hasn’t matured into an adult yet. In an unexpected moment, he suddenly becomes foul-mouthed and can no longer control himself. I feel dangerous and unstable. I hope I can express that kind of gray area. There were some lines that I wouldn’t say to anyone, and some intense scenes, so I was conscious of bringing out the tension a little higher than my own.

Q. What is your impression of Shuri and Jesse, who co-star with you?
As for Shuri-san, we have known each other for a long time, calling each other “we are almost the same age.” It’s been a long time since we played together, so I was happy. When I started filming, there was already a fun atmosphere on set, including Shuri-san and Jesse-san, and they helped create a bright and cheerful scene.It was thanks to them that I felt comfortable. That’s what I felt.

Q. Based on the drama title, is there a moment when you become a “monster”?
It’s the moment when you’re watching a basketball or soccer game. I prioritize my hobbies in my life. Also, I sleep a surprising amount (lol). When it comes to sleep, I might be a monster.

Q. Please tell us the highlights of the first episode and your message to the viewers.
I think the perspective depicted in the drama and the choice of words are very interesting. As a trial drama, it is of course interesting to uncover the truth, but I personally felt that this was a new kind of legal drama. There are some parts that I don’t draw straight, so I think you’ll enjoy it.vinegar.

■Sakurazaka46 Natsuzu Fujiyoshi (voice of Sae Kawano) Comments
Q. How did you feel when you received the offer and what did you think after reading the script?
When I read the script, I felt the weight of the words once again. It makes me think that we shouldn’t talk to people easily. Words can both save and hurt people, so I felt that we should treat them with care. I acted with this feeling in mind.

Q. While working as a member of Sakurazaka46, you have been involved in a wide range of activities, including appearing in a movie for the first time this year and playing the lead role for the first time. How is your work as an actor?
Right now, I just want to gain a lot of experience as an actor. There are still so many things I don’t understand, and I feel anxious that I need to gain more experience as soon as possible. I will try my best to grow.

Q.What kind of person do you think Sae Kawano, who plays the role, is?
I think Sae-chan is a person who can truly feel the warmth of others. I’m happy to be able to play the role of Sae-chan. I acted with the image of stepping on it step by step.

Q. Please tell us the highlights of the first episode and your message to the viewers.
I’m happy to be able to appear as a guest on episode 1! This is a story that makes you think about life and words. I myself don’t know the story after the second episode, so I’m looking forward to the broadcast. I hope you enjoy the first episode.

■Minami (as Masumi Umemoto) Comments
Q. How did you feel when you received the offer and what did you think after reading the script?
It was difficult to understand what kind of person Sae’s counselor, Masumi Umemoto, was.

Q. I believe you are currently working between your two bases in Paris and Japan. How was this shoot?
I was happy because I was able to eat delicious Japanese rice for the first time in a while.

Q. Minami-san, what kind of person do you think the counselor Masumi Umemoto, who plays the role, is?
He’s an elusive character, so I’m looking forward to seeing how you view him.

Q. Please give us your impressions of your co-stars Shuri and Jesse, and any episodes from filming.
I met Mr. Shuri by chance at a Shinkansen station a long time ago, and we spoke through mutual acquaintances. At the scene, the story of that time bloomed.

Q. Please tell us the highlights of the first episode and your message to the viewers.
I think the content will be intense from the first episode, but it’s an interesting drama where you can get a glimpse of the “monster” that lurks inside each person.

Program information

Kantele/Fuji TV New Monthly 10 Dramas“Monster”
Starts October 14th
Every Monday from 22:00
*First 15 minutes expanded
Cast: Shuri Jesse (SixTONES) Shohei Uno Katsura Otsuki Tsubasa Nakagawa YOU Arata Furuta

“Monster” program site

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