COMPLEX’s Tokyo Dome 2-day performance “Nihon Isshin” will be exclusively broadcast and distributed on WOWOW

■Live performances from 2011 and 1990 will also be aired as a special feature for three consecutive months!

The 2-DAYS performance “Nihon Isshin” by Koji Yoshikawa and Tomoyasu Hotei’s unit COMPLEX to be held at Tokyo Dome on May 15th and 16th will be exclusively broadcast and distributed on WOWOW in August.

COMPLEX’s formation was suddenly announced in December 1988, and their activities ceased just under two years later. July 30th and 31st, 2011, 21 years later. They held a charity live at Tokyo Dome to support recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake. This was an action they took after thinking carefully about what they could do now.

13 years have passed since then. In response to the 2020 Noto Peninsula Earthquake that occurred on January 1, 2024, their thoughts were once again “fused”. Just like last time, they held a 2-day performance at Tokyo Dome with the slogan “Japan Isshin”. All profits will be donated to the recovery and reconstruction of the disaster area.

WOWOW will also be broadcasting special features for three consecutive months, including COMPLEX live shows from 2011 and 1990.

Program information

WOWOW“COMPLEX Tokyo Dome LIVE 2024 ~Nippon Isshin~”
Broadcast/distribution schedule in August

WOWOW“COMPLEX 20110730 Japan Isshin”
Broadcast/distribution schedule in September
COMPLEX, the unit consisting of Koji Yoshikawa and Tomoyasu Hotei, has returned for the first time in 21 years and will broadcast and distribute the Tokyo Dome performance held in July 2011 to support recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake.

Broadcast/distribution schedule in October
COMPLEX, the unit composed of Koji Yoshikawa and Tomoyasu Hotei, will be broadcasting and distributing their special live performance at Tokyo Dome on November 8, 1990, when their activities for just under two years came to an end.

Live information

COMPLEX “Nihon Isshin”
05/15 (Wed) Tokyo/Tokyo Dome
05/16 (Thu) Tokyo/Tokyo Dome

Program site

Koji Yoshikawa OFFICIAL SITE

Tomoyasu Hotei OFFICIAL SITE

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