Minami Umezawa (Nogizaka46) has been cast as the heroine in the drama “Death Game de Waitu”! “I’m looking forward to taking on this new challenge.”

■Wataru Hinata will play the main character of a realistic revenge story that unfolds with complex human drama.

Broadcasting and distribution of the drama “Waiting in the Death Game” will begin on October 24th. It has been revealed that Wataru Hinata will play the lead role in this drama, and Minami Umezawa (Nogizaka46) will play the heroine role.

“Waiting in the Death Game” is the fourth installment of the annual drama project by DMM x Kantele with the theme of “revenge.”

This is a revenge drama in which the main character, a broadcast writer who was unfairly treated and forced out of the television industry, turns into a “death game writer” and avenges his grudge with a game that takes advantage of his brutality and planning ability.

The original story is written by Makoto Ueda of the theater company Europa Kikaku. Exclusive distribution on DMM TV and terrestrial broadcasting on Kantele will start from October 24th.

Takuma Tomura (Wataru Hinata), who dreams of producing a television program that will take the world by storm, becomes a broadcast writer, but is unfairly forced to quit his job in the industry after being blamed for a fatal accident that occurred during the recording of a certain program. . In despair, Tomura accidentally meets a woman named Kazu Akizawa (Minami Umezawa). Akizawa becomes interested in Tomura, who is known as a “murderous writer,” and approaches him saying, “I was looking for a writer who could come up with a plan for a program.” In fact, Akizawa is a young producer at the death game production company Dreamia, and he scouted Tomura in anticipation of his planning ability.

Comments have also arrived from Wataru Hinata and Minami Umezawa!

■Wataru Hinata comment
Q. How did you feel when you received the offer for “Waiting in the Death Game”?
Hinata:I heard that it was a story from the management side of Death Game, and it was very interesting to see it from a completely new perspective. Although it is set in the extraordinary world of a death game, the story unfolds realistically, and each character is very human, and you can sympathize with them. As I read the script, I felt like I was immersed in the world of this work, and I was really looking forward to expressing the worldview in which Death Game exists in the form of images.

Q.What did you think about your role (Takuma Tomura)?
Hinata:At first glance, he seems like an ordinary, nice young man, but I think his passion and love for what he believes in is stronger than most people. I felt that he was a person who had the power to pull people around him and make them feel like they could do anything if they followed him.

Q. Do you have any impressions of your co-stars or what you thought after actually working together?
Hinata:The dialogue in the Dreamia (death game production company) scenes are fast-paced, and the dialogue is so pop-like that you wouldn’t expect it to be a work that deals with death games, and the sense of teamwork with everyone is essential. I was very nervous before we started filming, but everyone was really warm and kind, and I felt very comfortable on set. Although it was my first time meeting you all, there was a sense of unity as if we had known each other for a long time. Even when the cameras aren’t rolling, I hang out with everyone and talk to them all the time.

Q. Please give us some highlights and a message for the viewers.
Hinata:This is a story about a person who works behind the scenes of a death game that only exists in fiction. Although it is an unrealistic world, the story progresses with realistic depictions, so I hope that viewers can experience the worldview in which death games exist. And even though we call it revenge, there are dreams, conflicts, love, and things that need to be protected within it, and I would like you to pay attention to the connections between people that are born from such situations.

■Minami Umezawa (Nogizaka46) comment
Q. How did you feel when you received the offer for “Waiting in the Death Game”?
Umezawa:When I heard that it was a death game, I was really excited to see how they would portray the deep theme of living in extreme conditions where the true nature of humans is exposed, and what kind of world view they would live in. And I thought, “The script is so interesting, this is amazing.” There’s a lot of pressure on me to figure out how to play the role, but personally, it’s been a while since I’ve appeared in a drama, so I’m looking forward to taking on this new challenge.

Q.What did you think about your role (Kazu Akizawa)?
Umezawa:I felt that she was a woman who had a strong belief in justice and her own beliefs, without wavering from the core of her life. A pleasantly honest person. He accomplishes what needs to be done and says whatever needs to be said. It’s fun to face the idea of ​​living strongly and head-on. There is a great driving force within harmony, and the story progresses while always keeping this in mind and involving those around him. It’s cool to spend time with a sensitive eye on various things. I will act responsibly.

Q. Do you have any impressions of your co-stars or any impressions of actually co-starring with them?
Umezawa:The atmosphere on set is so wonderful that you wonder if they are really making a drama about a death game! The staff and cast members are all very considerate, always having fun, and you can clearly see that they respect each other. The members of Dreamia in particular are so comfortable that I feel like we’ve been together forever since the first day we met. Hinata-san, who plays the lead role, also communicates with those around her and stays in the middle like the cheerful chairperson, so I have to do my best too! I’m inspired by this.

Q. Please give us some highlights and a message for the viewers.
Umezawa:When you hear the word “death game,” you may think it’s cruel, but I think it’s a work that lets you feel the thoughts and intentions of people, the ugliness and humanity of humans, and the strength of life. I believe that resentment, hatred, and jealousy can also move people, and that they can sometimes turn into something positive. It’s very exciting to work every day in the rare and nerve-wracking position of being on the backstage side of a death game. It’s like fiction, yet somehow real. I hope you enjoy watching this complex human drama.

Program information

DMM×Kantele“I’ll be waiting in the death game”
Starts October 24th
◇Distribution (DMM)
Latest episodes added every Thursday at 24:30
◇Broadcast (Kantele)
Every Thursday from 24:25 (Kansai local)
*Missed broadcast: Kantere Doga, TVer

Cast: Wataru Hinata, Minami Umezawa (Nogizaka46), Kazuki Namioka, Takayuki Hamatsu, Karen Miyama, and others
Original idea: Makoto Ueda (European project)
Screenplay: Masaru Suwa (Europe Planning)

Program site

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