Kazunari Ninomiya appears in a costume that gives off a womanly feel (lol). Mrs. GREEN APPLE appeared on the Golden First episode of “Nino-san”

■When asked, “What’s the karaoke strategy for your signature song ‘Que Sera Sera?'” Mrs. Motoki Omori answered, “‘Que Sera Sera’ is difficult for me too.”

Mrs. GREEN APPLE’s Motoki Omori, Koto Wakai, and Ryoka Fujisawa will appear as the first golden guests of “Nino-san,” which will be broadcast from 7pm on October 11th and will be MCed by Kazunari Ninomiya.

Mrs. Ninomiya and “Nino-san” are great friends with Mrs. Ninomiya, who is currently the “most listened to artist” who won the Record Award in 2023 and topped various music rankings in 2024. Ninomiya, Fuma Kikuchi, Tomonori Jinnai, and Nao Asahi welcome the three of them with smiles, and it is no exaggeration to call them the “Nino-san family.”

Coincidentally, when Ninomiya, who was wearing an outfit with a strong lady feel, lined up next to the three of them, there was no discomfort at all, as if they were a group of four!? At the opening consultation corner, Omori said, “She made strange faces during the live performance.” I can’t quit,” she confessed her worries, and showed off the “vertical eyebrows” that are rumored to be popular among fans. Then, Wakai and Fujisawa follow, and the strange face contest begins!? Omori’s strange face, which many fans are looking forward to, should they stop or continue? What will Ninomiya and the others’ answers be…?

In addition, in the new project “Capsule Talk” where questions from 100 people passing by are packed into a capsule and the studio’s Mrs. answers by pulling a gacha, in response to the question “What is the karaoke strategy for the representative song “Que Sera Sera”?” Omori expressed his true feelings, saying, “’Que Sera Sera’ is difficult for me too.” What was the surprising score when Omori himself sang “Que Sera Sera” at karaoke? In addition, when asked, “How do you take care of your hair?”, Fujisawa’s short hair reveals a story behind it, which is a must-see.

Along with new sets filled with the excitement of an amusement park, the hour-long event will be filled with excitement, filled with “gourmet food” and “fortune-telling” that Mrs. Mrs. is currently interested in, as well as “original games.” Fans should check it out.

■Mrs. Wakai and Fujisawa challenge food lipo!? What will Omori’s love luck be told by the charismatic fortune-teller?
In the “Guest Desired Research” corner, which thoroughly investigates what guests are most interested in right now, Wakai and Fujisawa investigate what they are most interested in right now. Popular comedians are often dispatched to research locations, but this time special guests Mrs. Wakai & Fujisawa took on the challenge of filming on location themselves. The four of them, including Nao Asahi and Nasu Nakanishi, head out to investigate.

What Fujisawa is most interested in right now is “Umashin Ramen.” Because Fujisawa says, “I’ve never had spicy ramen,” the four of them infiltrate a super popular spicy ramen restaurant. Next to Fujisawa, who is surprised by the new type of ramen that uses 14 kinds of spices, Wakai defeats him with food that he is not used to!? And then Wakai says, “The hurdles are high. You can’t go without prior knowledge” and eat it. We also tried Zuni’s “gutsuri-kei G-kei ramen”. I was very excited about the G-kei ramen style, the amount of noodles, and the toppings I tried for the first time!

Next, Wakai experienced what he wanted to do the most right now: “making a rug.” Currently, there is a boom in making rugs, especially among the younger generation, with one-of-a-kind designs featuring gifts and pets. Wakai also designed the cat he owns at home, saying, “I want to use it at home, so I want something stylish and unique.”

On the other hand, Fujisawa thinks of a surprise, saying, “I’m indebted to Mr. Ninomiya and Mr. Nino…” but an unexpected situation occurs and the design has to be changed in a hurry!? The long-awaited tufting has finally begun. “This is the tufting I was looking for,” said a delighted Wakai. How does it turn out? Unveiling the finished product in the studio.

Meanwhile, Omori requested a fortune-telling at the studio, saying, “I want someone to tell me what kind of person I am.” A fortune-telling researcher, Crystal Egg, tells Omori about his “human nature,” “work luck,” and “love luck,” but Omori worries about his future love luck.

Furthermore, we asked everyone in the studio to tell their fortunes for the coming year, and announced the number one and bottom fortune rankings. Who is the one at the bottom that the charismatic fortune teller worries is “quite dangerous”?

■“Mrs. VS Nino-san” A hilarious showdown in a game that tests your bonds!
Divided into Nino’s team (Ninomiya, Kikuchi, Asahi) and Mrs.’s team (Omori, Wakai, Fujisawa), they faced off in a game that would require the teams to unite in order to succeed. The winning team will receive a delicious sweet as a reward.

The first confrontation is a “Say the same, do the opposite game” where you move in the opposite direction to the direction you are instructed. When instructed to move “right”, move to the left while saying “right”; when instructed to “forward”, move backward while saying “front”; the team that can move the most moves wins. The three wives, who have been performing in unison on a daily basis, are full of confidence and say, “Isn’t this going to be a success?” Kataya Kikuchi said, “We’ll be singing and dancing too,” and the game started in a relaxed mood. Then, the fortune-telling is already correct!? The member who had the lowest fortune is in a big pinch!

The second game is “Guide with voice! Giant hat balloon popping game.” A game where you use a hat with a needle to pop a balloon that falls slowly from above. When you wear a hat, you can’t see the top, so you can only rely on the voices of your teammates to tell you where it will fall. There will be five chances, and the team that pops the most balloons will be the winner, but Mrs. Kizuna won’t lose when it comes to ties, and Nino’s team wants to take home a souvenir even if it’s the first golden shot…How will this heated battle turn out?

Furthermore, the last game that guests will enjoy is the new project “If our eyes meet, it’s no good challenge”. Guests compete seriously for prize money. Ninomiya and the guest face each other, close and open each other’s eyes, and if Ninomiya and the guest make eye contact for 30 seconds, the test is successful. If you are successful, you will receive a gift card worth 20,000 yen. A carryover system where failures are carried over to the next guest. The challenger is Mrs. Omori. Can you survive 30 seconds without making eye contact with your good friend Nino?

“Nino-san,” in which Kazunari Ninomiya has plenty of fun with his best friend, is a must-see.

Program information

Nippon Television“Nino-san”
10/11 (Friday) 19:00-19:56
MC: Kazunari Ninomiya
Family: Fuma Kikuchi / Tomonori Jinnai / Nao Asahi

Program site


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