In the second episode of the drama “After School Medical Record” starring Kohei Matsushita, rumors spread among the children that “Makino (Matsushita) killed the patient”

■ Riko (Tanpopo Nakamura) is surprised when something strange happens to her body, and ignores Kei’s (Mori Okamoto) advice and asks Makino (Kohei Matsushita) for help…

The second episode of Nippon Television’s local drama 9 “Hokago Karte” starring Kohei Matsushita will be broadcast on October 19th.

Riko (Tanpopo Nakamura) is concerned about Kei’s (Mori Okamoto) words that “Makino (Kohei Matsushita) killed the patient.” When the children overheard the conversation, they spread irresponsible rumors such as, “You shouldn’t go to the nurse’s office.”

Meanwhile, Riko is surprised when something strange happens to her body, and ignores Kei’s advice and asks Makino for help…

Don’t miss the second episode of “Hokago Karte”, which has received a great response, with the first episode being viewed over 1.7 million times

*1,733,189 times/Calculated by video research from October 12th (Sat) to October 17th (Thursday)
■Episode 2 synopsis

An AED course was being held for 6th grade students in the gymnasium of Higashitama Daiichi Elementary School. Makino (Kohei Matsushita) appeals to the children who do not want to listen to him seriously, but Riko (Tanpopo Nakamura) is worried about Kei’s (Mori Okamoto) words that “Makino killed the patient.” It had become.

When the children overheard Kei and Riko’s story, they spread irresponsible rumors such as, “You shouldn’t go to the nurse’s office.” Shinoya (Aoi Morikawa) points out that Makino’s usual words and actions are partly to blame, but Makino doesn’t listen at all. Meanwhile, Riko, who can no longer bear the abdominal pain, secretly goes to the nurse’s office, but Makino finds her. Surprised by the fact that something unusual is happening to her stomach, Riko ignores Kei’s advice and asks Makino for help.

Makino accepts Riko’s anxiety and once again lectures the children about the dangers of leaving the children untreated. Meanwhile, fourth-year student Yugo (Yuda Koki) suddenly collapses due to pneumothorax. Makino performs emergency treatment, but there is a hidden cause behind Yugo’s pneumothorax.

Program information Nippon Television
Dora 9 “After School Medical Record”
Every Saturday from 21:00

Starring: Kohei Matsushita, Aoi Morikawa, and others
“After School Medical Record” program site

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