■“QUEEN” MUSiC CLiP, which incorporates horror elements and gorgeous scenes
MUSiC CLiP’s 2nd season 1st season opening theme “QUEEN” sung by LiSA on TV anime “Shangri-La Frontier” was premiered.
MUSiCCLiP of “QUEEN” has a world view inspired by a nightmare, and the content depicts a dancer who is a resident of a nightmare, and LiSA who is being chased.
The video is a story-telling video that incorporates horror elements and glittering scenes to accompany the intensely beautiful song, and it also expresses LiSA’s continued struggle as a solo singer.
The lyrics for “QUEEN” were written by MAQUMA of the band FZMZ (Yomi: Fathoms), who was in charge of the opening theme for the 1st season of the TV anime “Shangri-La Frontier”. HONNWAKA88 participated in the composition and arrangement (the composition was co-written with LiSA), and it is a song unique to “Shanfro”.
“QUEEN” will be performed at all performances of “Sony Bank presents “LiSALiVE is Smile Always~COCKTAiL PARTY~” (SWEET&SOUR)” held from September 14th.
Release information
2024.10.13 ON SALE
“Shangri-La Frontier” official website