Travis Japan Kaito Matsukura, “I thought, ‘Let’s live a little more properly'” on the Kantere special program “Diane’s Anger Calming Sue”

■“I learned that I need to use my imagination a little more in my life.” (Travis Japan Kaito Matsukura)

Travis Japan Kaito Matsukura will appear on Kantele’s special program “Diane’s Anger Calming Sue” which will be broadcast from 7pm on October 25th.

This program is a special variety show where Diane Atsuhiro Tsuda serves as MC. In addition to Kaito Matsukura, guests will include Tsuda’s partner Yusuke, Sarina Suzuki, Gal Sone, and sketch artist Shintaro Moriyama, with Sakura Tasaki (officially known as Tatsusaki) acting as host.

The content of the program is to convey the arguments of those on the receiving end of the anger in response to the irritating things that people in the city have told us, so that we can understand that “that’s what happened.” One after another, I calmed down the useless anger I was holding onto.

The first theme of “anger”, which is delivered in three blocks, is “I don’t have time for that!” ]. People are angry about time, with comments such as “It takes so long to change a cell phone model!” and “The waiting time at the hospital is too long!”

Among them, the one that caused a storm of sympathy from the studio was the angry response, “Why can’t we set the delivery time in more detail?” With home delivery, it is not possible to precisely specify a redelivery time, so customers complain about long waiting times. However, when MC Tsuda introduced the hardships of a delivery driver trying to make a redelivery on time while being swayed by unexpected events, the atmosphere in the studio completely changed. At first, Matsukura complained, “If I set the time (time) in the morning and went to bed, I would be woken up by playing ping pong,” but now he feels guilty, saying, “I want to hurt myself.”

Next,[That’s too expensive! ]we focus on various angers related to “money” such as “Macaroons are too expensive!” and “Shaved ice is too expensive!” By conducting undercover interviews to find out why prices are so high at famous pastry shops and famous shaved ice shops with 120-minute waits, the show’s staff quells anger one by one.

The final theme[Can’t we do something about those rules!?]is full of anger about “rules” such as “Why can’t you use the phone on trains and buses?” and “Why can’t you vote online?” Responding to frustrations such as “Wouldn’t voter turnout in elections go up if online voting were introduced?” and “I can’t go to early voting,” they give “reasonable reasons.”

Furthermore, at the studio, Sarina Suzuki said that when she encountered Tsuda in private, she said, “When I called out to him to say hi, Tsuda said, “What a collage! The unexpected accusation that “I was told that” comes out. Tsuda, who says that “Chara is the one who gets angry” and “I’m usually quiet,” tries to calm Suzuki’s anger by explaining why he acted like a slut.

■Travis Japan・Kaito Matsukura Comment
–Please give us your impressions of the recording.
Matsukura: It was really fun. I learned that there are good reasons for being angry, and that I need to use a little more imagination in my life. Also, Tsuda-san was simply so funny that I kept getting excited about him. Actually, this is my first time collaborating with Tsuda-san. Mr. Tsuda once watched a program I was appearing on on VTR. I had been watching it on TV for a long time, so it was really fun to be able to feel Tsuda-san’s atmosphere live. Anyway, Diane and I are good friends, and it was really interesting to watch the interaction between the two of them.

――Was there any particular anger that resonated with you or anger that subsided?
Matsukura: “Why can’t we specify delivery times in more detail?” is the anger. Even though I specified a time (for redelivery), there were times when I would be away due to work, so I reflected on myself. Watching the VTR, I realized how difficult it is when home delivery becomes a double hassle. I thought, “Let’s live a little more properly.”

–Finally, please give a message to the viewers.
Matsukura: There were parts of me that I could sympathize with (the anger), and I could also empathize with the fact that there are facts and reasons behind that anger, and it’s actually difficult, so it was a very fulfilling hour. I think it’s a program that you can actually benefit from watching for an hour, so please look forward to it.

Program information

kantele“I’ll calm down Diane’s anger, Sue.”
10/25 (Friday) 19:00-20:00 *Kansai local
MC: Diane Atsuhiro Tsuda
Facilitator: Sakura Tasaki
Guest: Diane Yusuke, Sarina Suzuki, Gal Sone, Travis Japan/Kaito Matsukura, Floor Plan/Shintaro Moriyama

Program site

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