INI Nishi Kouto and Kis-My-Ft2 Nikaido Takatsugu appear in “The story that becomes a knob for sake”! INI Nishi talks about “unforgettable gummies”

■Kis-My-Ft2 Takatsugu Nikaido sparks a “towel controversy”!

INI’s Kouto Nishi, Kis-My-Ft2’s Takatsugu Nikaido, Borujuku’s Anri, and Hakata Daikichi will appear as guests on the May 17th broadcast of “Sake no Tsumami Naru Monogatari” (Fuji Television).

Nikaido seems to be particular about the “texture” of towels, so he asks, “Do you prefer fluffy towels or crispy towels?” Nikaido himself is said to be a “crispy person” and reveals that he has devised ways to make his towels crispy. On the other hand, Daikichi seems to be a “fluffy person”, which leads to a mysterious “towel controversy”.

The studio also had an “ideal towel” that Nikaido had cultivated to its crispest perfection. Pay attention to the studio members’ reactions to the idol’s masterpiece.

On the other hand, Nishi suddenly says, “I like gummy bears,” and immediately laughs. It seems that there is a certain “unforgettable gummy” in Nishi, so we asked, “Are there any unforgettable sweets that you would like to see reprinted?”

Anri says that she can’t forget “a certain flavor” of Haagen-Dazs, and speaks passionately about the flavor, which she describes as a “taste of happiness” that is both refreshing and mellow. The names of sweets that remind us of our childhoods come up one after another, such as Pienetta, Big One Gum, and Yang Yang Tsukebo.

Other topics include Anri’s “If I had made that choice at that time…” and Daikichi’s “My partner Hanamaru’s true feelings that I didn’t realize for 34 years.” Please look forward to the guests’ honest conversations that you will never hear on other programs, which will only come out because they talk while drinking alcohol.

Program information

Fuji Television Network, Inc“A story that will help you drink alcohol”
05/17 (Friday/Holiday) 21:58-22:52
Cast: Daigo (Chidori), Football Hour (Teruki Goto, Nozomi Iwao)
Guest appearances (in alphabetical order): Anri (Borujuku), Takatsugu Nikaido (Kis-My-Ft2), Koto Nishi (INI), Daikichi Hakata (Hakata Hanamaru/Daikichi)

(C)Fuji Television

“A story that will help you drink alcohol” program site

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