Wednesday Campanella Utaha joins us!Aoshi Sakiyama new song “Beyond the discomfort” released & MV released

■“At the beginning, Utaha-san participated in the narration, which made the song even more brilliant.” (Sakiyama Soushi), “It’s a great honor to be able to participate in my friend’s work.” (Utaha) )

On May 17th, Soushi Sakiyama released a new song, “Beyond the Discord,” which he himself produced, wrote, composed, and arranged. The music video was also released at 9pm on the same day.

The music video also features Utaha from Wednesday Campanella, who also participated in the song. She appears in the opening monochrome scene with visuals that are instantly recognizable as Utaha, and performs a reading.

The video is set to a fresh sound and a pleasant rhythm, and is interspersed with a slightly strange feeling, making it an addictive music video that you’ll want to watch over and over again.

The director is Akari Eda, who is working with Soushi Sakiyama on his fourth work, including “Light” and “Remembered.”

■Sakiyama Soushi comment
A fresh song was created. The phrase “beyond the sense of discomfort”, which was originally created along with the song, feels more like a symbol than a literal meaning.
At the beginning, Mr. Utaha participated in the narration, which made the song even more brilliant.
This is a song about encounters and farewells. I hope you listen to it this season.

■Utaha comment
This time, I participated in the reading part at the beginning.
The fact that it begins with a reading is very refreshing, and I am very honored to be able to participate in my friend’s work.
I’m also appearing in the music video, so I’d be happy if I could add some spice to the work.

release information

2024.05.17 ON SALE
DIGITAL SINGLE“Beyond the discomfort”

Soushi Sakiyama OFFICIAL SITE

Wednesday Campanella OFFICIAL SITE

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