■A story unfolds about Haruna Kawaguchi’s gold “Peekaboo Petit” that she left behind in the gondola in the labyrinth-like city.
FENDI, a luxury brand representing Rome, Italy, will be releasing a special movie perfect for the holidays featuring Japan brand ambassador Haruna Kawaguchi and Japan men’s brand ambassador Ren Meguro (Snow Man).
Based on the concept of “LABYRINTH OF VENICE,” this movie depicts a gorgeous and charming story in which Haruna Kawaguchi and Ren Meguro, wearing the latest Fendi looks, unfold in the beautiful city of Venice. .
The story begins with an invitation from Fendi delivered to Haruna Kawaguchi and Ren Meguro, leading them to the floating labyrinth city of Venice, and the two land in Venice and aim for their destination. Then, a story unfolds about Haruna Kawaguchi’s gold Peekaboo Petite, which she left behind in a gondola in the labyrinthine city.
Enjoy the worldview of Fendi created by Japan brand ambassadors Haruna Kawaguchi and Ren Meguro, along with the fantastical scenery of Venice.
This special movie will be released sequentially on the special site of Fendi’s official online “fendi.com”, LINE, X, Facebook, etc.
Fendi official website