Shingo Katori MC’s New Year’s special program “The correct answer is locally” airs today! Also pay attention to the relaxing talk between the three performers.

■What is the “treasure he found in the entertainment world” revealed by Shingo Katori?

Yomiuri Television and Nippon Television’s New Year’s special program “The correct answer is locally” will be broadcast from 11:59 pm on January 2nd, with Shingo Katori serving as MC.

“The Correct Answer is Local” is about popular comedians who are suddenly asked a quiz that you can’t find the correct answer to unless you go to the local area. A new type of “too analog” quiz documentary program where you find the correct answers you don’t know.

The unique trio of MC Katori, Hiromasa Yashiki (New York) & MEGUMI will watch the location VTR and liven up the program.

■Three people watching the location VTR
MC Katori and MEGUMI performed together for the first time in a while. MEGUMI also says that she and Yashiki were in an elevator together two years ago, and when she told him, “I love you,” he reacted in a strange way, which hurt her a lot.

Katori calls Yashiki a “stranger,” and Yashiki tuts, “You followed me on Instagram, too!” “I saw this side of your face, and this is the first time I’ve seen it,” he said, and the studio was filled with laughter.

Questions tailored to the problem will also be developed in the studio.

When asked, “What treasure have you found in the entertainment world?” Yashiki said, “It’s truly a treasure to be able to work with these two, who I’ve seen since my student days.” Katori and MEGUMI replied, “ Is it true?”, I was skeptical. Katori opens up about what she thinks is a “treasure”, saying, “Is it a treasure of the entertainment world?”

Also pay attention to the interaction between the three of them as they watch the on-location VTR while eating sweets at the kotatsu.


Program information

Yomiuri TV/Nippon Television“The correct answer is on-site.”
01/02 (Thu) 23:59~
*Distributed on TVer after broadcast

MC: Shingo Katori
Moderator: Hiromasa Yashiki (New York), MEGUMI

“The correct answer is local” program site

“The correct answer is on-site” TVer page

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