-Hasuda Bei (Hiroshi Oizumi), a scoundrel and master swordsman who harbors ambitions to overthrow the Shogunate and reform the world, and his disciple Saizo (Kento Nagao). And his nemesis, Doken Kotoderi (Shinichi Tsutsumi)!
New visuals and special footage have been released for the movie “Muromachi Burai” (released on January 17th) starring Hiroshi Oizumi.
The time is Muromachi, Kyoto (Miyako) on the eve of the Onin War. A chain of great famines and epidemics, and countless corpses piling up on the streets. In such a world of chaos, there were people who appeared like the wind and challenged the great power.
This is the story of Hyoue Hasuda (Hiroshi Oizumi), the first samurai class in Japanese history to cause a revolt and whose name will remain in history only once, and the outlaws who rallied around him. A historical drama action entertainment that depicts an unknown battle on an unprecedented scale with a gorgeous cast.
What has been revealed is the “bond of master and disciple” that represents the relationship between Hyoe and Saizo (Naniwa Danshi, Kento Nagao), and the relationship between Hyoe and Honekawa Doken (Shinichi Tsutsumi). New visuals and special footage for two versions of “Nemesis’ Bonds”, which represents sexuality.
The “Bonds of Master and Disciple” version features the main character of this work, Bei Hasuda, and his disciple, Saizo. In the special video, Nagao, who plays Saizo, also serves as the narrator. Saizo, who was born into a fallen samurai family and worked as a bodyguard for a moneylender who greedily made profit in order to survive, meets Hyoe and, although he is initially repulsed, he begins to respect Hyoe, who is “stronger and kinder than anyone else.” , the video shows Saizo going through tough training to protect Hyoe, even risking his life.The video is heart-warming as you can see Saizo, who was once despairing of life and desperate, grow into a strong man after training. The visual is impressive, with the sky in the background, as if the two are looking toward the future of the world.
The other version, “The Bonds of Nemesis,” focuses on Hyoe’s relationship with Doken Ostekin, who is a close friend and stands in his way as his greatest enemy. The visual depicts Hyoe and Doken drinking together as “bad friends” and the two glaring at each other as “old enemies”, truly representing lifelong rivals. The special video vividly shows how Doken Kotoderi, a real person who left his name in history, along with Bei Hasuda, diverges from Bei and comes into conflict with him in a fateful battle that will change the history of Japan. Draw it out. As the words, “The two were friends who shared the same aspirations, but they chose different paths,” the two try to survive in a chaotic world in their respective positions as the head of an uprising and the Shogunate’s Rakuchu guard. The video conveys the relationship.
Movie information
“Muromachi Burai”
January 10th (Friday) IMAX advance screening
Nationwide release on Friday, January 17th
Director/Screenplay: Yu Irie
Original work: Ryosuke Kakine “Muromachi Burai” (published by Shincho Bunko)
Cast: Hiroshi Oizumi
Kento Nagao Wakana Matsumoto
Yuya Endo Tomoya Maeno Ami 201 Hannya Rina Takeda
Shingo Mizusawa, Joi Iwanaga, Miyu Yoshimoto, Donpei, Asuka Kawadoko, Takuo Inari, Okito Serizawa
Ao Nakamura Kenichi Yajima Hiroki Miyake
Akira Emoto Kazuki Kitamura
Shinichi Tsutsumi
Distribution: Toei
(C) 2016 Ryosuke Kakine/Shinchosha (C) 2025 “Muromachi Burai” Production Committee
Movie “Muromachi Burai” work site