Koji Miyamoto, TV anime “Trillion Game” opening theme “over the top” will be distributed

■“Over the top” is the fastest and strongest song in Koji Miyamoto’s history, containing the passionate desire to “stand up for victory”

It has been decided that Koji Miyamoto’s new song “over the top” will be distributed from January 10th.

“Over the Top” is a song written as the opening theme for the second season of the TV anime “Trillion Game,” which will begin broadcasting and distribution on TBS and other channels from midnight on January 9th.

It is the fastest and strongest song in Koji Miyamoto’s history, with a song and performance full of speed and dynamism, and a message of passionate desire to “stand up for victory.”

Miyamoto, who will be 59 years old in 2025, has embarked on a new horizon. The full story of the song, which has already become a hot topic and is used in the third PV of “Trillion Game” which is currently being released, will finally be revealed.

■Koji Miyamoto comment
The original “Trillion Game” left a tremendous impact on my heart.
A man believes in victory and fights for victory.
This is because such primordial feelings were portrayed so directly and openly.
I also let myself shake, the fastest of my life,
I created this “over the top.”
Along with them, I too will stand up for victory.
I hope you will love my “over the top” as well as “Trillion Game”.

Release information

2025.01.10 ON SALE
DIGITAL SINGLE“over the top”

TV anime “Trillion Game” program site


Distribution single “over the top”

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