TWICE decides to release their 5th Japanese original album “DIVE” & also releases new visuals

■ TWICE, which has celebrated its 7th anniversary since its debut in Japan, has created it with the concept of DIVE (= diving) to a new stage in order to show further evolution from here!

TWICE, who will celebrate their 7th anniversary since their debut in Japan in 2024, will release their 5th original Japanese album “DIVE” on July 17th. A new visual was also released.

“DIVE” is a work with the theme of water. TWICE, which has celebrated its 7th anniversary since its debut in Japan and has made many dreams come true, will DIVE (= jump) to a new stage in order to show further evolution from here on. Created based on the concept.

In addition, the new visual is a breathtaking and attractive piece in which TWICE looks like a goddess on the glittering surface of the water.

release information

2024.07.17 ON SALE

Album special site


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