[Report]Members of JO1 and FANTASTICS appear!The shooting scene report of the movie “Fugitive THE MOVIE” has arrived

■“This is a thrilling work that both fans of Escape and those who don’t know about Escape can enjoy.” (JO1 Takumi Kawanishi)

On-site reports, making cuts, and new scene photos of “Fugitive THE MOVIE”, which will be released nationwide from July 19th, have been released.

This work is a drama film adaptation of Fuji TV’s variety show “Fugitive”, which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. The program features one of the largest and most life-threatening games in the program’s history, with a total prize pool of over 100 million yen and a total of 1,000 participants.

The main cast that holds the key to such a game will be JO1’s Takumi Kawanishi, Shoya Kimata, Aomi Kinjo, and FANTASTICS’ Taiki Sato, Souta Nakajima, and Reiya Seguchi.

The six characters play the roles of young people who were bonded by a strong friendship as track and field team mates in high school, but for some reason they drift apart. Each of the six members took on the challenge of filming while being filled with great joy, surprise, and excitement as they participated as the main cast.

In February 202, the movie “Fugitive THE MOVIE” started filming on a sunny day surrounded by spring-like warmth. Filming began with scenes of the six high school students on their track and field team, and the next day, the filming began with each of them participating in a large-scale event called “On the Run.”

Even so, the scenes in which members of both groups, JO1 and FANTASTICS, perform together are a unique element of this work, and one of its biggest highlights. Filming progressed with both actors excited and respecting each other, but in reality, there were many tense scenes.

A typical scene is the one where Yamato (Kawanishi) and Joji (Sato) are reunited. Director Masaki Nishiura had high-level demands, as it was a scene of a sudden reunion in the midst of grievances and lingering past events.

When Kawanishi asks Sato, “Why are you here?”, “I want her to express not only anger but also sadness.” In addition, Kawanishi received detailed instructions such as “I want the line “Ignore you” to have a more violent feel,” and Kawanishi worked diligently through trial and error, checking his own performance many times on video. I was working on it.

Sato, who plays the role of a former club member who suddenly disappears due to a certain incident, said, “He has become like a different person between his past and present, such as standing a little hunched over and changing the way he speaks.” “I talked a lot with the director beforehand to express the changed Joji,” he said, paying close attention to every detail in order to portray the changed Joji.

The large scale is also one of the points of interest of this work. As this was the largest “on the run” in history, with a total of 1,000 participants and was set in all of Tokyo’s 23 wards, they decided to film at Tokyo Dome.

In one scene, Kawanishi and Sato sprinted approximately 130 meters from one end of Tokyo Dome to the other. The coaches, staff, and trainers who watched the two run received rave reviews. Let’s look forward to the completion of the movie to see what kind of spectacular image it will turn out to be.

Various other photo shoots were also conducted inside and outside Tokyo Dome. After filming, Seguchi said, “More than anything, I thought the situation at Tokyo Dome was really amazing, and I think being able to rent out that venue for filming was an experience that I won’t have many times in my life.” As they say, it seems to have been a valuable experience for the cast members.

After that, it seems that each of them worked persistently through trial and error in filming each scene, and when Nakajima was struggling with how to handle his emotions during the scene where Eijiro (Nakajima) sheds tears, the director told him, “ “It’s better to do the emotional part first because it will give you time to think about it,” he advised. Nakajima carefully consulted with the director and took about 10 minutes to prepare himself for the shoot.

In addition, the tense scene in which the “sacrifice game” is played after “On the Run” turns into a life-threatening game, was filmed in a tense atmosphere among the entire cast and staff.

Kimata, in particular, had no experience filming such tense scenes, so his active attitude of asking questions to the director, taking notes on what he learned into the script, and inputting his input was impressive.

Furthermore, he practiced his dialogue on his own, searching for the best way to act than anyone else.

Throughout the filming, director Nishiura explained in detail to the cast how to express their lines, how to move their bodies, and the timing of their plays. Even if the cast members had questions, he would first create a path for them to think about it and come up with an answer.

The cast members also commented on the director, saying, “His advice was very accurate, and he sometimes played around with me, so he was kind of like a kind father.” (Kimata) “Good points He praises me well and I think he’s a really supportive person.” (Kinjo) “He honestly gives the director’s opinions, and on the other hand, he also listens to my wishes, so we can improve each other.” (Kinjo) He let me do it,” (Seguchi) commented. It seems that a strong relationship of trust was built through the shoot.

The atmosphere among the JO1 and FANTASTICS members is very good, with each member working hard on their roles and working hard on the shoot, and they get along well, taking photos of each other using “Sharun desu” in their free time. A friendly atmosphere was also witnessed. During filming, the director commented, “How close are you guys (lol)”, which shows that the filming was well done.

The members of boy groups JO1 and FANTASTICS continue to be active on the front lines, each with their own unique charms. This dream collaboration will come true, and what kind of activities and chemical reactions will they show off?

“This is a thrilling movie that fans of On the Run and those who don’t yet know about On the Run can enjoy.” (Kawanishi), “You won’t regret watching it! Please enjoy the movie on the Run.” ” (Sato), the members are also brimming with confidence.

Movie information

“On the Run THE MOVIE”
Nationwide roadshow on Friday, July 19, 2024

Director: Masaki Nishiura
Cast: Takumi Kawanishi, Souta Nakajima, Shoya Kimata, Aomi Kinjo, Reiya Seguchi / Daiki Sato
Ririka Tanabe, Eito Kawahara, Megumi Uchida, Hideyuki Kasahara, Tan Nagai, Riki Honda
Celebrity Runaway HIKAKIN and others
Screenplay: Miho Aotsuka
Produced by: Fuji Television Toei FNS27
Production Production: FCC
Distribution: Toei
Distribution: Toei
(C)2024 Fuji Television Toei FNS27

“On the Run THE MOVIE” official website

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