HYDE’s “HYDE (INSIDE) LIVE 2024” Osaka performance will be live-viewed and streamed worldwide

■ A nationwide tour to promote the new album “HYDE (INSIDE)” to be released in the summer of 2024

It has been decided that the Osaka performance of HYDE’s nationwide solo tour “HYDE (INSIDE) LIVE 2024” (August 7th @ Zepp Osaka Bayside, Osaka) will be live-viewed at movie theaters across the country, and will also be live-streamed to the world.

HYDE’s solo live will be his first in about a year since “HYDE LIVE 2023,” which took place from June to September 2023. Starting with Zepp Haneda (TOKYO) in Tokyo in June, a total of 13 performances will be held at live houses in six cities: Zepp Sapporo in Hokkaido, Zepp Nagoya in Aichi, Zepp Osaka Bayside in Osaka, Sendai PIT in Miyagi, and Zepp Fukuoka in Fukuoka.

The Zepp Osaka Bayside performance will feature his new album “HYDE (INSIDE)” to be released in the summer of 2024. Be sure to enjoy it on the big screen and with loud sound at the cinema, or via live streaming.

HYDE will also be holding additional shows to this tour, “HYDE (INSIDE) LIVE 2024 -EXTRA-“, at the World Memorial Hall in Hyogo on October 12th and 13th, and at Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Halls 9-11 in Chiba on October 26th and 27th.

(C)VAMPROSE Inc. All Rights Reserved.

release information

Scheduled for release in summer 2024

event information

“HYDE (INSIDE) LIVE 2024” Live Viewing
08/07 (Wed) 19:06 start
Venue: Cinemas across the country

Distribution information

08/07 (Wed) 18:00 Venue 19:06 Start

Ticket purchase site:

“HYDE (INSIDE) LIVE 2024” Cinema Live Viewing Special Site


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