■In the third episode aired on January 21st, Subaru (Ren Nagase), who feels a jolt in his chest every time he sees Madoka (Mizuki Yamashita) and Narita (Yuta Koseki), takes on a mission to make Madoka look back. !
The third episode of Kantele/Fuji TV drama ★Eleven’s “Love is Muzusugi for the Son” starring Ren Nagase (King & Prince) will be broadcast from 11:15 pm on January 21st. In the third episode, Subaru (Ren Nagase) is jealous!? Subaru, who feels a stirring in his chest every time he sees Madoka (Mizuki Yamashita) and Narita (Yuta Koseki), takes on a mission to make Madoka look back at him.
And before the third episode airs tonight, we received a comment from Yuta Koseki. Koseki plays Rihito Narita, the love rival of Subaru, played by Nagase.
Regarding his relationship with Nagase, he answered, “Ren-kun keeps picking on me (lol). He seems like the type to shy away from people, but over the course of filming, he has become able to talk to everyone very frankly.” .
Regarding his position among his co-stars, he said, “I think he’s a very dependable older brother (lol).I was surprised that he gave me the impression of being cool.I’m glad that he plays with me.I don’t mind him. It seems like sometimes people think I’m not being clear about my intentions (lol),” he said, referring to the relaxed atmosphere on set.
When asked about the most memorable scene during filming, he answered, “There’s a scene (in episode 3) where Subaru-kun hates riding the train and makes a presentation about traveling by car. The movements became more and more intense, and there were a lot of tsukkomi, and everyone on set was laughing out loud.I was jealous of being able to act out scenes like that.”
Regarding the highlight of this work, he said, “At the beginning, it has a strong comedy tone, but as the story progresses, there are various betrayals, and I think you will be able to enjoy it in a different way as you will be moved by the developments. Don’t miss a single facial expression. I hope you enjoy it.”
■The first episode has been played over 2 million times on TVer! Special roundtable discussion also available
The first episode was viewed over 2 million times by TVer. The second episode also reached 1 million views. If you missed the broadcast, it is now available on TVer and Kantele Doga.
In addition, TVer is also broadcasting a special roundtable discussion featuring Ren Nagase, Mizuki Yamashita, and Daigo Nishihata (Naniwa Danshi).
Additionally, we are planning to hold an event in Taiwan in April. On April 4th at 15:00 and 20:00 (local time), Zepp New Taipei will hold the “‘Love is too bad for a heir’ Ren Nagase SPECIAL FAN MEETING”. The event will be filled with special projects such as behind-the-scenes stories from the filming of the drama.
■Episode 3 synopsis
“I love you.” Surprised even by the words that came out of his mouth, Subaru (Ren Nagase) hurriedly retracts his statement. Madoka (Mizuki Yamashita), who was momentarily shaken by the sudden confession, regained her composure and realized that it couldn’t be like that, so she left the company with Narita (Yuta Koseki), who held an umbrella and said, “I’ll send you off.” I’ll do it later. Even though Subaru thinks there’s no way he could ever fall in love with Madoka, he somehow gets irritated with Madoka, who goes home with Narita under an umbrella.
Meanwhile, Madoka and her friends will be allowed to tour the sales floor at a children’s clothing store over the weekend, and Narita recruits other members besides herself and Madoka who would like to go. Then, Subaru, who had shown a strong reaction against children’s clothing, immediately raises his hand, and Tomoya (Daigo Nishihata) is convinced that love has blossomed in Subaru.
However, when Subaru learns that the means of transportation to the location is by train, he remembers that Wataru (Takeshi Kaga) taught him when he was young, “Never ride a train,” and he can’t stop shaking with fear. However, if she doesn’t go, Madoka and Narita will be alone… Subaru says that just thinking about it makes his heart hurt, and Tomoya tells him the true nature of his feelings.
On the other hand, Subaru is told by Madoka’s junior Lily (Riho Nakamura) that he cannot be Madoka’s love interest because he is a monk who grew up in a greenhouse, and he is determined to overcome the train and become a real commoner himself. However, when Subaru manages to get to the station alone on the weekend, a high hurdle awaits him…
Program information
Kantele Fuji TVFire Dragon★Eleven “Love is too bad for a heir”
01/21 (Tue) 23:15-23:45 *Episode 3
Cast: Ren Nagase, Mizuki Yamashita, Daigo Nishihata, Yuta Koseki, Riho Nakamura, Takeshi Kaga, Mariko Tsutsui, Okito Serizawa
Screenplay: Haruka Ohkita
Theme song: King & Prince “HEART”
Direction: Keita Motohashi, Kiyomi Matsumoto, Mei Tsukada
Drama “Love is too bad for the heir” program site