Official Hige Dandism’s 3rd major album “Rejoice” special shop bonus designs revealed

■Official Hige Dandism’s third major album, “Rejoice,” will be released on July 24th!

The designs of the store-specific bonuses for Official Hige Dandism’s third major album “Rejoice,” which will be released on July 24th, have been made public.

The album title “Rejoice” is printed on each item, and there are six different types available at different CD shops. The number of bonus items is limited, so if you want to be sure to get one, make sure to preorder early.

Additionally, as an early reservation bonus for “Rejoice,” customers will receive a Blu-ray containing live studio footage of “Official Hige Dandism Live at Radio,” which was broadcast on radio stations nationwide on May 7th, as well as an entry into a lottery for tour tickets exclusive to those who pre-order “Rejoice.”

Check the album’s special website for details on participating stores, period, and other album information.

release information

2023.07.24 ON SALE

“Official HIGE DANDISM Arena Tour 2024 – Rejoice -” Special Site


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