INI’s first appearance on “Nep League SP”! What is Masaya Kimura’s unusual answer “Gakukuwagata”? Goto Takeru warns Kyosuke Fujimaki, “Don’t make a mistake!”

■INI Xu demonstrates his English skills with a TOEIC score of 940 through “Travel English”!

“Nep League SP,” which will be broadcast from 7 p.m. on June 10th, will feature a showdown between the INI team and a team of popular comedians, as well as a “Quick Nep League” segment.

The INI team will feature Taizo Harada (Neptune) and Ken Horiuchi (Neptune), as well as members of INI (Rito Ikezaki, Takumi Ozaki, Masaya Kimura, Taketo Goto, Yudai Sano, Pungfan Heo, Taimu Takatsuka, Koto Nishi, Kyosuke Fujimaki, and Jin Matsuda) making their first appearance.

The opposing team of popular comedians includes Nagura Jun (Neptune) and Hayashi Osamu, as well as Oswald (Ito Shunsuke, Hatanaka Yu), Einstein (Inada Naoki, Kawai Yuzuru), and Magical Lovely (Noda Crystal, Murakami).

Which team will be able to advance to the bonus stage and ride the trolley? In the “Quick Nep League,” where you can answer various common knowledge quizzes about news, sports, music, entertainment, trends, and gourmet food, Hiroe Igeta, Narumi Takahashi, and Rina Yamamoto will also be participating.

■INI Kimura answers “Gakutensoku” with “Gakukuwagata” in a very embarrassing way. Oswald Hatanaka is teased by Horiuchi about his ex-girlfriend.
The first stage is “Neplare,” where participants fill in the blanks to answer trending words that they should know now.

Goto from the INI team expressed his joy at his first appearance on the show, saying, “I really wanted to appear on Nep League. I’ve been watching it since I was little, and today in the dressing room I told everyone, ‘Let’s definitely win,'” and Fujimaki from the same team confessed, “(Goto) was so fired up that he told me, ‘Don’t make any mistakes.'” Everyone burst into laughter at Goto’s unexpected warning.

Meanwhile, when a question was asked to name the last four letters of the name of the comedian who was crowned the second champion of “THE SECOND ~ Manzai Tournament ~ 2024,” “Gaku ●●●●” (the correct answer was “Gakutensoku”), Kimura answered “(Gaku) Stag beetle.”

The opposing team, made up of popular comedians, all responded to the incredibly crazy answer with, “Hey, who is that?”

After they had finished all the questions, Harada from the same team gave them a scolding, saying, “You guys! What are you doing? You’re the worst of all the people who’ve come here so far!!” The INI members were shocked, saying, “Seriously?!” and “What?!”

On the other hand, the popular comedian team was shown to be relaxed after the INI team’s crazy result, with Einstein Kawai saying, “We can win even after each person tells one story.”

However, Oswald Hatanaka made a series of mistakes that held him back, and he was criticized, “Hatanaka!” and “You don’t know anything.” When Hatanaka retorted, “It was a bit… difficult,” Horiuchi made fun of him, mentioning his ex-girlfriend.

■INI Kyo is a big success, demonstrating his English ability of 940 points on the TOEIC! Maji Love Noda reveals his bitter memories in Jakarta
After that, they took on the 2nd stage “Travel English”, the 3rd stage “Pressure Clock”, and the 4th stage “Hyper Bomber”.

In “Travel English,” there are high hopes for Xu from the INI team, who can speak four languages ​​and has a TOEIC score of 940.

Nishi also studied abroad in Australia for three years and is currently in charge of English programs, so he is enthusiastic, saying, “Since I’m working on (English programs), I can’t make any mistakes.”

The INI team, which is expected to do well, was a big hit, with not only Kyo and Nishi, but also Matsuda demonstrating their English skills! In a question that asked them to answer a Japanese sentence in English, Kyo answered in fluent English, and everyone praised him, saying, “That’s amazing!”, “He spoke so fast I couldn’t understand what he was saying,” and “He spoke so fast I couldn’t catch it.”

On the other hand, the popular comedian team, Magical Lovely’s Noda, was asked if he had ever been abroad… He replied, “Yes! We went to Aeon Mall in Jakarta to do business,” but then revealed a bitter memory, saying, “There’s no way Magical Lovely would be popular in Jakarta!”

Also, Ito from Oswald shares a surprising anecdote: “My cousin is American.” So how good is the English of this popular comedian team?

In “Hyper Bomber,” the INI team was tasked with listening to a song that is played at weddings and singing the lyrics to that song.

A variety of hit songs will be featured, including DREAMS COME TRUE’s “Mirai Yosozo II,” Ulfuls’ “Banzai – I’m Glad I Like You,” and Fukuyama Masaharu’s “Let’s Become a Family.”

Matsuda chose classic songs such as Namie Amuro’s “CAN YOU CELEBRATE?”, Fujimaki chose Arashi’s “Love so sweet”, and Ozaki chose Superfly’s “A Bouquet of Love”, and they all sang them with great enthusiasm.

Next, Takatsuka chose Kimura Kaela’s “Butterfly” and sang it with great enthusiasm, but was unexpectedly defeated.

Will the INI team be able to sing the wedding song beautifully and beat the popular comedian team? In addition, in the bonus stage “Trolley Adventure”, there will be a giveaway where you can win a “Kishu Waka beef steak set” from Wakayama Prefecture by lottery.

Then, “Quick Nep League” will look back on events that took place in the first half of 2024.

There are a variety of quizzes that you’ll be embarrassed if you don’t know them, such as questions about Major League Baseball, songs that have been popular on TikTok, and titles of hit anime.

There will also be questions about new famous places in Tokyo and popular Korean sweets that you should be familiar with.

Program Information

Fuji Television Network, Inc“Nep League SP”
Monday, June 10th, 7pm – 9pm

“Nep League SP” official website

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