Sato Taiki (FANTASTICS), Mokudai Kazuto (The cause is in me) and others will appear in the drama “Fall, Lonely Death” starring Narita Ryo

■ “I think this will be a production that far exceeds everyone’s expectations!” (FANTASTICS’ Sato Taiki) “I’m taking on a role I’ve never played before.” (The reason is in my heart. Mokudai Kazuto)

“Fall, Lonely Death” will be a Sunday drama airing on Yomiuri TV and Nippon TV in July 2024.

Ahead of the first broadcast on Tanabata on July 7th, seven cast members have been announced, including lead actor Narita Ryo, co-stars Yoshikawa Ai and Kohinata Fumiyo, as well as detective Sato Taiki and Nomaguchi Toru, and the five surviving characters Hagiwara Riku, Naka Mami, Matsumoto Reo, Mokushiro Kazuto, and Kakaroni Kuritani, who will hold the key to the story.

The original work is the manga “Furitsu More Kodoku na Shi yo” (original story by Ryuichi Ii, manga by Shota Ito) currently being serialized in Kodansha’s Magazine Pocket. The drama will be based on the unfinished original work, but will also incorporate original elements.

The story begins with the discovery of the skeletal remains of 13 children in a deserted mansion, commonly known as the Haikawa Mansion Incident. Detective Saeki Jin (Narita Ryo) is investigating the truth behind the incident, along with a mysterious beauty, Rensui Kanon (Yoshikawa Ai), who once lived in the mansion. She calls the mansion’s owner and suspect in the case, Haikawa Juzo (Kohinata Fumiyo), her “father” and insists that “Haikawa is not the culprit,” but…

Who took the children’s lives, and why? And what is Haikawa’s relationship with them?

Seven years have passed since the mysterious Haikawa House incident. The disappearance of a young girl triggers the reappearance of a mysterious mark left at the scene of the Haikawa House incident. This is a thrilling human suspense drama in which the truth behind the two incidents, past and present, is unravelled with shocking developments in each episode.

■ Seven gorgeous cast members who will color the drama have been announced
Sato Taiki and Nomaguchi Toru play the junior and superior colleagues of the protagonist Saeki Jin at the Yamanashi Prefectural Police’s First Criminal Investigation Division, where he works.

Suzuki Jun, played by Sato Taiki, is a rookie detective who is a junior of Saeki. He always accompanies Saeki to learn the basics of investigation. He has a natural and strangely friendly personality. He is an obedient character towards Saeki and Gomi. And Kawai Souichi, played by Nomaguchi Toru, is Saeki’s superior, a police inspector. Although he is often thrown off balance by Saeki’s independent actions, he also has a watchful eye and takes command of the investigation.

Along with Yoshikawa Ai as Hasumi Kanon, the surviving children who once lived in the Haikawa residence are played by Hagiwara Riku, Naka Mami, Matsumoto Reo, Mokushiro Kazuto, and Kakaronikuritani.

Hagiwara plays Takimoto Sousuke, Saeki’s half-brother. It is revealed through the incident that after Saeki left his parents’ home, he left and lived with Haikawa at his mansion. Naka plays Okishima Maya, who is like the eldest daughter among the children who used to live at Haikawa’s house. She is currently a tattoo artist. Matsumoto plays Kawaguchi Satoru, who also used to live at Haikawa’s mansion with Kanon and Sousuke, and is currently a law school student. Mokushiro plays Kamishiro Takeru, who used to live at Haikawa’s mansion with Kanon, but is now a mysterious character who is missing. And Kuritani plays Azuma Yuuma, who is like the eldest son of the family who first started living at Haikawa’s house.

Why did they start living with Haikawa?

Saeki and Kanon pursue the truth of the incident. Is Haikawa, whom Kanon regards as her “father,” the real culprit? The human suspense drama “Furi-Pack, Lonely Death,” in which the mysteries pile up and lead to an unpredictable ending, will start airing on Yomiuri TV and Nippon TV at 10:30 p.m. on July 7.

Comment from Taiki Sato
I’ve always wanted to try my hand at suspense and playing a detective.
I can’t forget the impact I felt when I read the original work. The sense of speed, unexpected developments and new facts make you want to read the next chapters. The live-action drama adds original elements, making it even more interesting!
I feel a moderate sense of tension and responsibility in this role, which is something I’ve never experienced before, but I intend to rely on my wonderful co-stars and perform it to the very end in my own way. I hope that viewers will enjoy the show every week while thinking about it. I think it will be a work that far exceeds everyone’s expectations! Please look forward to it!

■ Comment from Toru Nomaguchi
I play the role of a boss who watches over the protagonist with kindness and sometimes strictness, and I feel deeply moved and humbled that I have been given such a role.
The story shows various forms of love, as well as its flip side, anger and hatred.
Things you can empathize with, and things that are almost incomprehensible. I think it will resonate with everyone who watches it, so please look forward to it. I can’t wait to see it either.

■ Comment from Toshihisa Hagiwara
My name is Hagiwara Riku, and I will be playing Takimoto Sousuke in “Fall, Lonely Death.”
When I read the original story and the script, I found it very interesting.
I’ve summed it up in one sentence, but it was so interesting that I truly wanted to be involved.
One of the charms of the show is that it has so many characters with such unique personalities, but since I’m meeting many of them for the first time, I’m personally looking forward to seeing how we’ll interact with each other.
I will do my best to make the viewers have fun by swinging them around in circles just as I did while reading the story.

Comment from Mami Naka
Nice to meet you. My name is Naka Mami.
I have been given the opportunity to play Maya Okishima in the drama “Fall, Lonely Death.”
And since this will be the first time in my life that I will be appearing on terrestrial television, I am feeling excited with anticipation.
Who could have predicted when I first started acting that I would be on terrestrial TV? It’s such a shocking event for me! At the same time, I’m feeling a great deal of joy, anxiety, and tension, so I would be very happy if you could be generous in watching the show.
And on a personal note, I actually co-starred with the lead actor, Narita Ryo, in my debut film. It was a dream come true! To co-star again with actors I’ve worked with in the past!
So, Narita made my dream come true!! Thank you so much!!
I hope I can show you how much I’ve grown, even just a little bit. I’m a little embarrassed, so I’d like to take this opportunity to say it. Excuse me.
I hope you will enjoy the drama “Fall, Lonely Death”. Please be sure to watch it!

■ Comment from Rei Matsumoto
My name is Matsumoto Rei, and I will be playing the role of Kawaguchi Satoru.
When I read the script for the first time, I was so engrossed in turning the pages that I realized that four hours had passed, even though I’m not very good at reading printed text. I was so moved that I couldn’t wait any longer to see the finished product, and at the same time, I felt the importance of the role I was playing.
The best part of this work is the overwhelming tension of not being able to trust any of the characters. Behind that lies each character’s sad past. As one of those characters, I felt that I should know Kawaguchi Satoru’s past better than anyone else, feel it better than anyone else, and empathize with him better than anyone else to play the role. I would be happy to be able to deliver a unique worldview where each of these feelings overlap. I am grateful to have the opportunity to take part in this work with such a wonderful cast and staff, and I will do my best.

■ Comment from Kazuto Mokudai
My name is Mokushiro Kazuto, and I will be playing the role of Kamishiro Takeru.
When I read the script for the first time, I was deeply moved by the past that each character had, and there were some surprising developments, which stirred up a lot of emotions.
There is much mysterious about the character Kenryu that I will be playing this time, and there is not much I can tell you at this point, but I am taking on a role that I have never played before.
I hope you enjoy “Fall, Lonely Death” while considering each episode.
Thank you very much!

■ Comment from Cacaroni Kuritani
This is Kuritani from Cacaroni, who will be playing the role of Higashi Yuma in the drama Fall, Lonely Death!
This is my first drama series. And it’s a full-fledged mystery suspense! Serious applause! When I received the offer, I thought it would be a one-off role of a creepy narcissist or creepy stalker, but it turned out to be a very important role. Yuma Higashi, played by Kuri, is a young man who has experienced very painful events in the past and carries the scars. It’s a very difficult role, but I’m facing it head-on and working hard every day. Filming has already started, and even someone like Kuri quickly got used to it. This is because the staff and actors have welcomed me very warmly and created a wonderful environment. I have to do my best not to hold everyone back! And even Kuri doesn’t know the ending of this drama yet! What will happen? I think you’ll enjoy it more if you watch it while thinking about it! Thank you for reading this far! Her partner was Kuritani! Please look forward to it!

Program Information

Yomiuri TV/Nippon TVJuly 2024 Sunday Drama “Fall, Lonely Death”
Starts July 7th
Every Sunday from 22:30
Screenplay: Natsu Hashimoto
Directed by: Eisuke Naito, Takashi Ninomiya, Takahiro Takasugi
Cast: Ryo Narita, Ai Yoshikawa, Rikyu Hagiwara, Daiki Sato, Mami Naka, Rei Matsumoto, Kazuto Mokudai, Cacaro Ni Kuritani
/ Toru Nomaguchi Fumiyo Kohinata
Original story: “Fall, Pile Up, Lonely Death” by Ryuichi Ii, manga by Shota Ito (serialized in Kodansha’s Magazine Pocket)

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